The big male dragged him down the moment his lips parted, stuffing his throat full of thick panther-stalk.
Kalderan Forest Part 5
The center stalk nowsplit in several places, and white stalks came slithering out. they slipped down along the stalk and then the floor, each one moving out quickly to where it could sense someone.
Smokin' hot encounter
Still in her power and still hoping your submission will save you from a scalding, you quickly strip off your gear under her disdainful gaze as she stalks around you.
Wolf River - Chapter 2
She was somewhat surprised that he had slipped from her sight so easily but she soon caught up with him as he stalked his slow stalk back to camp. the enticing scent of the deer filled her nostrils and she thought about what to do.
Electro Love Pt 2
"are you stalking him?" she yelled. len jumped and looked at his sister nervously. "of cour-course n...n-not." he stuttered. rin scoffed. "you're stalking that neko-android boy......what's his name?" rin gave len the stinkeye. "p-piko" len squeaked.
Welcome to Mogtun's Party
Reaching up, he felt the stalk supporting it coming from the top of his head. craig swallowed and licked his lips. "wow..."
"but they're living animals, it's cruel to stalk and kill for amusement." dawnlight snarled, standing over hir younger sister.
Miaze Maze
Once they were high enough that his passenger wouldn't hit the tall stalks, he began to float off towards the exit of the haunted maze attraction.
Mansion in the Woods: Monsters
**last known location:** unknown **queen breeder:** a large reptilian alien bug with huge boobs and wings, she stalks the mansion for mates.
The Garden
I lunged forwards, grabbing the thick stalk between my legs, and shoved it deeper as i came around it.
Life Among The Grass
Finally they solved the problem by having one of them climb a stalk and call out directions to the other. then after about a foot they would change and let the other climb a stalk and call out to lead their friend to him.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:8
The wolf gave a shrug as the two headed back toward the swaying stalks of the quiet corn field. keeping close to the cleared paths between the stalks the couple had little trouble finding their way back to the other side the field.