Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Shadow The Hedgehog
And that's when you're tickle raped by me......'' this made shadow blush even more. shadow doesn't want to admit it, but he actually does love being tickle raped by her. ''u-uh.......
How to make a pervert happy.
Hahahahahaha why does it tickle aahahahand feahahahael sohohohoohohohoh gohohohohod!?!?'' she grins more seductively. ''.....because of the effect of my lotion...... i know what makes a pervert happy.....tickle tickle tickle!!! tickle tickle tickle!!''
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Ty
Laugh like a handsome ticklish victim you are.'' she then moves to his belly and tickling it, making ty laugh even harder. ''baahahahahahahaha nohohohohohohahahahahahaha!!! noahahahahahat my belly!!!
Why Tickling?
Tie your toes back and spread them out, so he can scrape and tickle to his heart's content, if that is where you are most ticklish.
The Three Cubs - Part I
The panther knew his underarm was clearly his weak spot, but he had forgotten how ticklish his paws were. maybe even more ticklish.
Cat Ivanovitch & Lisabeta Vixen - Tickle Torture (F/M)
One of my tickle stories involving the russian cat and fox couple ivanovitch and lisabeta, with the latter as the ler tickling the heck out of the former. truly romantic in a ticklish way. ;) lisabeta couldn't be any happier.
King Louie's tickle assault (part 2)
He was very ticklish, and he hoped louie didn't want to tickle him to make him to tell the secret of man red fire. (s) "oh man i thought you were ticklish, let's get to work on him boys!!"
Bare's Tickling Adventure
Two tickled her feet. two tickled her breasts. one tickled her tail. two tickled her chest. two tickled her sides. and one tickled her thighs. bares's body twisted and shook. she never felt this much tickled before.
Tickle Heaven: Z'nth.
When you were battling against your enemy, g'glynn, he captured you and tickle tortured you, hoping that he might take you as his tickle toy, but little did he realized, he tickled you... to death by accident.
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Caroo
She said before getting closer to caroo and then tickling his chin, making him smile and blush more. ''......do you love being tickled?'' ''uh...... well...... you could say that i'm very very ticklish...... if that's what you're asking.''
Mowgli trapped (part 3)
Mowgli couldn't hold laughs when louie started tickling the tip of his cock. "ahahahahahah not my cock ahahahahah not the tip ahahahahah it's very ticklish ahahahahah". tickling was a turn-on for mowgli, and his cock was a special ticklish spot.
Female on Male Tickle Rape: Sly Cooper.
Ruby loves his reaction and his squirming, and how she tickles his erect spots. sly didn't know that his private parts can be soooooo ticklish. ''yes sly, just laugh and moan and enjoy your tickling pleasure.'' she said.