New Life Pt. 1 night 1

In a small town when the community makes up their mind on something nothing can change it . i was tried as an adult and sent away to a low security prison.

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Katadarnyatarina the Protector

The waxy substance that makes up the pole shatters, leaving the soldier wielding two broken weapons. she leaps up and swings one at the dragon's head, but the dragon grabs it. then, she lifts her leg and kicks the dragon in the side.

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Character Profile: Tiger

Using a self-taught style of fighting, she lacks the use of a weapon, but makes up for it in sheer rapidism. her moves are a particular emphasis of fast, powerful movements, and very rapid successions.


The Prisoner's Of My Own - Chapter Two ~ Unexpected Attacks

Then, jodhi mouse makes up his mind** _ _ ** "if you do so, i'll stay. i don't want to leave you amy"** _ _ ** "run jodhi... run... save yourself...

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Learned Behaviour (version 1)

More and more the owl was beginning to realise that when the other boys talked about girls and girlfriends - even though he was sure they were making up the girlfriend part - he himself was only faking it when he joined in because he knew he was \*supposed

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I finally started stealing things for myself, telling her that i got caught, or making up some excuse and keeping the money to support myself. stealing was so easy; the store managers didn't have a clue.

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In Opaque Darkness, a Silver Shadow

The soul makes up half of what a being looks like. there are a few who's bodies are altered by the mix of an animal spirit and a human body, or a human spirit and an animal body.

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If all the tales have already been told, then instead of making up my own, i can find others and make them mine. plot is only the road which the story rides upon. it is how we present the story which entertains. plagiarism!?! no ... not really.

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Gnollish Training

Inch by inch, the fake phallus that makes up the inside of the gag pulls out of her mouth, her tongue rolling out from underneath the saliva-stained stick. when it finally clears her snout, she lets out satisfied, huffing breaths.

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My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E10

"sure there are some difficulties with doing what we do normally at times but being fat more than makes up for it," said bright eyes.

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Good Enough Chapter 26.5

Good enough--chapter 26.5--making up "so, are we okay?" thomas asked. damien shifted nervously, looking up at his boyfriend. "i mean, do you forgive me for scaring you like that?" "i think so..." "so... does that mean we can have make-up sex?"

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Lore: Vulpeculan Principalities

Vulpeculan culture is fairly monolithic, however thanks to the chaotic individuality that makes up it, the planet has never been anywhere close to unified until the regulian empire intervened.

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