Zara 4

"'You can put your backpack to the side,'" she told him, "'I don't want to scare you, but...we might be here for a little while...'" In truth, he had forgotten about it all together. Still, he didn't want to take up her time, and having his backpack on...

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Kamen Rider Zero: Chapter Special (Part 2)

Tygriss and Tess struggled slightly as they dragged Arata's limp body towards the nearest wall. It didn't entirely help that his body weighed significantly more than how much it regularly would have weighed due to the fact that his body parts were...

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Zara 3

_Gotta do this quickly..._he thought to himself as he packed, _Gotta finish before she realizes that she fell for my illusion..._ he rushed his packing, throwing organization to the wind. It didn't matter right now; he could always re-organize later....

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 14

Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 14 Lingering Bitterness The rain pelted Zeke's form as he rushed past the trees of the forest in a hurry. The sounds of his pants mixed with the pitter patter of the rain drops and the heavy, hurried stomps of his feet...

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Guys' Day Out

Guys' Day Out Jasper whistled a tune to himself as he strided his way back to his dorm room. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his shorts, the only article of clothing the Cubone donned (not counting his skull mask, if that could even be...

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 5 (Part 2)

Once the tour was over, Kyo and the Grovyle-morph were given directions to their huts after being given a general place to start. Because of the tour itself, they at least had a good idea of where they needed to be going. With all of the other morphs...

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 5 (Part 1)

Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 5 Welcome to the Island Kyo slowly began to stir from his slumber as he groggily came to. His eye ridges furrowed; he felt like he had been sleeping on the floor the entire night. There was a strange scent that filled...

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 7

Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 7 Time to Train "I...I am not quite sure...what to make of this..." Teddy said uneasily, scratching the back of his head in genuine surprise. He wasn't quite sure of what to do as Kyo stood before him, bowing his head...

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 4 (Part 1)

Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 4 Set Sail for Pokemorph Island "So...after this trainer threatened you two, you brought out your pokemon to defend yourselves?" an older woman asked, writing down notes on her notepad. "Uh-huh," Michi replied,...

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 4 (Part 2)

"Now to FINISH our tour," said Octavius, "I shall TAKE you to the upper deck." Yet again, as he had been most of the tour, the Roserade-morph was far ahead of the pair. But due to how loud he was, and the sensitivity of their hearing, they could still...

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 6

Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 6 The Tournament Nurse Joy's laughter was heard through Kyo's poke-gear. His cheeks flushed red as he waited for her to settle down. "Oh my _gosh_ that's hysterical." She let out a sigh. "And you say you ran almost...

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 9

Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 9 Proper Preparation Kyo bit his lip as he stared at Grovyle in a mixture of shock and confusion. He certainly hadn't expected to see her again after revealing to her what he was aiming to do by joining the tournament....

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