Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 11
"he wants to spread total chaos throughout china. it would be any ruler's worst nightmare to have a kingdom in chaos. so naturally he'd devote all his resources to quelling that."
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 5-B
"but is that a good thing for china?" asked the rabbit inquisitively. "only time will tell," stated shifu slowly. "anyways, you should be off to bed now." "i was on my way," the rabbit countered.
Ship references part 1
Country of origin: peoples republic of china captain, captain meilin cheng, human, female crew: human, aside from the canid engineer who runs the computer core. (tibetan spaniel). role: fast attack battlecruiser, light assaultship.
The Fangshi of Hu village: Teaser
Alright, i'll be honest with you: i have been studying chinese for well over three years now and i have studied all sorts of things that most people do not get to know about ancient china and that culture and when last week i was given advice by two other
Strange Times, Preface-History(edited)
They established a truce with kalseru to keep him from using his forces to invade russia or china. as long as they paid a moderate tribute to him, he would let them live in peace of sorts.
Her Best Act (Commission)
With each thrust, the mask engulfed more of her, slipping down over her waist with its china-smooth skin. she barely noticed, and couldn't care if she did.
Chapter 7 - Trials and Tribulations
It was items from china, or the orient, as far as i could tell. "what...what is this place?" i said in not so quiet awe. "this is my shop. i sell a plethora of oriental items here.
Rexville 15: Online Tournament Part 1
Arctic prince and mount fenrir hopped on their boards and the race began, swooshing through the streets of china town at nighttime.
Spirit Bound: Chi
His name is unfamiliar to us in the west, but his name is spoken with pride by those who live in his region of china.
Breakout 1
china takes over due to quadrillions owed to them that america could not pay back. all americans are forced to work to repay debts. two hundred years pass by. america is still working on paying off the debts owed to china.
Becoming (M/M) (Pt 4 of Full Transfer)
"smells like some kinda new plasticky thing from china. that thing made in china?" "no, it's not full of lead and radium or whatever you think they're putting in stuff these days," leo said, rolling his eyes.
The House Dahan, Chapter IX: A Glorious day
Been a while since I posted my last story. I've been sitting on this one for a while now, wasn't very happy with it. After some intensive and lengthy re-writing, I dare say that it's turned out quite well now. Since it was a _bit_ light in the yiff...