New Slave
Although, that model had been able to cook authentic thai and malay cuisine and had known several forms of contemporary and modern dance. too bad it only last a month. "i see. very well, i'll take it.
Writing Tips vol. 3
With far future stuff, you can easily get away with using ordinary, contemporary speech, but you may want to at least consider having a few phrases or speech patterns that reflect the different time period. don't feel like you _have_ to though.
Not a Word
Fur elise, and various attempts at the rugrats theme song from the 90s onward, every now and then a either a student resident or just a visitor to the hall would sit down and enchant whoever was around with some complex classical melody or a more advanced contemporary
Hotel Cafe
_Angie has coffee with one of the reptilian sakin and passes out. (4600 words)_ _2008 Gren Drake_ The small cafe was situated just to the side of the hotel's lobby. The border between the two was lined with short potted trees, that created a...
Second Sight
You know the drill... This is a gay furry story. If this is not your cup of tea....well... You get the idea. And if you happen to be a parent of someone under 18 who wants to know if it's cool for them to read this, the Motion Picture...
Plastic Stars in Our Private Galaxy
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story and all characters are copyright © 2012 K.M. Hirosaki. * * * Once upon a time there was a coyote named Gareth. He was a cute young kid, energetic and optimistic, finishing up his time at college and not quite ready to be...
Part 3--Epilogues 1 and 2
Thus ended the weirdest and most wonderful day of my life. I was feeling fairly zombified after that; we cleaned up the changing room as best we could, got dressed, paid quickly and left quietly. We picked up my boy clothes from the locker and left the...
All characters copyrighted by me. Please don't distribute without permission. Thanks! MITCH By Stormcatcher Yo! How's it goin'? Guess I better introduce myself right off the bat. My name's Mitch Guilder. I think the last name's...
A Dog Named Travis: Chapter One
[I needed some motivation, so I'm posting this for feedback. If you like where this is going, as inferred by the tags, please leave a comment. This was partially inspired by the song "High and Dry" by Radiohead] Chapter One: Hospitalities ...
**Transitions** **by Mog Moogle** The sunlight streamed through the blinds of the master bedroom on the third story of the Victorian house. It was not far from the historic downtown district of the Midwestern town. Narrow slits of light brushed...
Home on the Range
Bump, bump, bump, bump. The consistency of the cracks in the rural road was uncanny. Each one gave my little car a slight jolt, and between that and the thumping sound it was almost hypnotic in a way. Any fear of dozing off though was allayed by...
"Stagnated" by K.M. Hirosaki ( AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story was originally published in "Heat" vol. 8 (by Sofawolf Press). Copyright © 2011 K.M. Hirosaki. Waking up to my boyfriend sucking my dick was nice, but it would have been...