Weekend in Diapers (Pt. 2)
The piss came out with such force that it hit the inside of the diaper with a muffled sizzle. jordan saw the outline of hank's length pressed up against the diaper as the diaper turned a bright yellow.
The Diaper (Padding the Cat)
#1 of diaper stories (various) hooray its a diaper story from zippo! i know that will not come as good news to all of you but if you don't like diapers don't read it - it is very lightcore and solo though so if you are curious give it a go.
Elecmon's Diaper Fantasy
New diaper in under a minute.
CrinkleCat's First Crinkly Adventure
You're going to undo my diaper tapes. there are six of them." "i know, i know." i got down on my knees and slowly untaped his diaper. the front of his used diaper hit the mat with a squishy thud.
Shingeki The Stinky Skunk
By the end of lunch, shin's diaper was already swollen. indeed; the two wouldn't even finish lunch without shin eagerly using his diaper for the first time.
Impmon's Diapered Day
Once he was dry, antiramon got a diaper out of a drawer. "time for thy diaper!" impmon lay back and allowed antiramon to slide the diaper under his butt and tape it up.
Angel's New Life | Chapter 2
Do you understand now why we keep you in diapers?" jen asked as an extra mudslide pushed into paper's diaper. paper nodded her head lazily.
Alky's Diaper Slavery
"but first, let's get your diaper on~" alky nodded, grabbing his diaper and laying it out, beginning to put it on himself, but tulip stopped him.
Bigger Loads, More Friends (Pt. 2)
Rick's diaper tented dramatically. his erection put a lot of emphasis on his diapered bulge. the pressure inside was mounting. the pressure intensified once daniel wrapped his paws around rick's diaper.
He changes his position, his damp diaper now facing lefty's dry diaper. they face each other.
Double J
To his annoyance, the diaper came up to his navel and he knew that, even with his pants on, he would have to be careful not to let his diaper peek out. no, not his diaper. the diaper. he refused to take ownership of it, even mentally.
Wet Things Come in small package
, diaper, dominance, size difference, watersports.