A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 17-The Testament

Along with the eastern warriors, two very powerful eastern dragons, they killed almost 400 million dragons, ranging in age from 12 years old, to 45 years old.

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The World

The world has two major penninsula, the largest is in the western part of the supercontinent and the smallest in eastern part. the supercontinent was unnamed but locals called dadichiu, groteaarde, nueva mundo and zmin.

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We have been expecting you, what have you found, my lord" a strong eastern european accent boomed across the connection.

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The Harvest Ball: Transformation (Part I)

He should have just bought a good sex slave, but the accent on these eastern slaves was so damned _sexy,_ and they didn’t train eastern slaves for pleasure.

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Bronze Age Anthro Notes (WIP)

Section 1.2c eastern herder grey wolf clothing culture across the ever-contested alluvial plain, in the lands of the iran where the medes, kassites, elamites called home in the arid highlands of iran, the eastern herders would be far more interconnected


the new guardians part four

Subtle hints of his western heritage, his length isn't the same as a full blooded eastern dragon but he is twice as long as most western dragons his age and he is bigger than most eastern dragons his age.

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The Shape Swallower [Draconicon]

The eastern dragon didn't say anything, just continued to stare forward blankly, looking into some sort of helmet.

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Red Storm Ch. 6

October 1st, 1942 Stalingrad, Soviet Union The day had been rather busy since the rain stopped a day earlier. Machine guns could be heard throughout the city, followed by the pounding of artillery shells. Yuri's unit was heading out from their rubble...

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Airy's Character Sheet

Physically he takes mostly after his eastern dragon side but he did not get any scales on his forearms, chest or shins like his mother.

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Iron Will, Chapter 1

Kettikos leapt sinuously backwards, grinning darkly as the thug's blade lashed by within inches of the Toltek's taut belly, the fur waving from the air passing by so dangerously. In return to the brutal slash, up came the Southern warrior's khopesh,...

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Dragon Ouroborus

Thunderfang wasn't a bad dragon, really he wasn't. He just had a horrible habit of expressing himself through the murder of wandering knights and devouring various livestock. In all fairness however, it was usually those men of the crown who...

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The Black-Feathered Monk 5

The Black-Feathered Monk Chapter 5 By Draconicon A full day passed as Silra and Satres worked to strengthen the walls of the temple again. They did not have the skills to fill in the holes, so they took what material was loose...

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