Dipper Pines: The Love Of Infinity
They were very sad because they had to leave gravity falls behind, they had to leave the wonderous place of dreams and passions where they spent the season of helios' kissed rays upon fruitful vegetation gaea.
The Gravity of Gains, Chapter 1: Part 1- The Collar
#1 of the gravity of gains (community cyoa) the beginning of a community choose your own adventure fat-related fetish story! _this is part one of the first chapter of the gravity of gains community choose your own adventure.
Warm Temptation
That tinted fluid bubbled and floated in the lack of gravity, staining her inner thighs before drifting away in tiny constellations.
Astral High - Chapter 21
You know, until i opened my bedroom door to find my room no longer had gravity. not inverted gravity, no gravity.
Defenders of the Universe
#2 of elite warriors other variations of gravity shift are as: 1. gravity crush-advanced move 2. gravity ball-super rare ability a) lets the user create a ball of compressed gravity in their hand, or embed it into an object.
2593, Chapter 23
We're not made to function in such low gravity. back when we first went to space, way before gravity plating, people who spent a lot of time out here had trouble once they got back to earth.
Character Sheet: Evei Petrov
-gravity crush: crushes the enemy raising gravity in a small area. -manticore crush: his manticore appears, his paws glowing black with gravity force as he pounces on the enemy.
Space-Master Dressphere
| user absorbs any type of gravity damage as hp recovery
Ch. 7 -- Mass Transit
His chief engineer was fond of saying, "gravity doesn't pull, it sucks." but gravity wasn't really the issue. the trouble was inconsistent gravity.
Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.10
"it's generating gravity?" she speculated out loud. "no, well sort of." mechrat replied, excitement showing in his voice. "the source of the gravity is artificial, but the gravity itself is very real.
Grasers can act as weapons or as tools for gravity tethers, gravity emitters, subspace drives, etc.
Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 7
It was a zero gravity swimming pool!