Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 9

You were completely destroyed by the simultaneous loss of your family and girlfriend when the outbreak started, and figured the hybrid program would eventually put you out of your misery.

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Warm Up - 5

They found themselves a repurposed home; once abandoned in the initial outbreak, then occupied, and whether by bandits or zombies, have been abandoned again. but it found new tenants for the evening, or for how long the weather was harsh.

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BX-132 Chapter 5

"no sir. our operative in the area reports an outbreak of bx, sir" captain mullans reported. "dispatch a strike team out to site 64, immediately.

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The House on Rainbow Road - 05 - Mary

An additional outbreak of nervous giggling rippled through the girls as some of them began huddling together. "the lady's lover came to her at midnight... and ravished her body until morning. every day she awoke sore but satisfied."

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An Eventful Day

Chaukaluk city was a fairly good place, crime wasn't too bad, though recently there had been a large outbreak of gang activity. the usual, gangfights, bad grafitti, the occasional petty crime to 'get back' at a rival gang.

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Why The Hell Dose My Life Suck!

Toboe blanched at the sudden outbreak, but retorted back just as quickly "why the hell not?!" carla's looking around franticly, her eyes are wide and you could easily read the emotions in them, fear, despair, desperation, and hate.

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Love Knows No Bounds - A Morning Suprise

A recent outbreak of influenza seemed to have triggered the disease, which had no problem infecting people with their immune systems already weakend. and so it began. all across the us, people were becoming furs.

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Forward unto Dawn 2

Clave, the catalysts ally during the infection outbreak of the state structure, colorado. i skipped this memory.  

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A tail of magic and mystery chapter nine

The flu outbreak after world war one, the aids virus and now this virus, we created this to kill off humans." "there must be a way, there is always a way." "go ahead and try.

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Embers - Chapter Ten

I wanted to listen to what they were saying about what had happened during the initial outbreak inside the city, but for the moment i was paying attention to the large billboards hastily erected on each side of the street behind the barricade.

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Embers - Chapter 2

"what's the last book you read, before or after the outbreak happened?" he continued. again caught off guard it took me a moment to collect my thoughts, i began to really accept this guy was out of his fucking mind. "well?"

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Forbidden Love

Monodramon answered, "this was an outbreak of epic scope. we have found the source of the outbreak and cut it down. we are calling it agent zero. as of midnight we secured agent zero and brought it to a facility where it could no more harm."

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