Furst strike- Pilot

He started humming radioactive to know when to execute his plan. when the ayatollah started speaking again, he hit the timing. he began to sing "i'm breaking in, i'm shaping up, i'm checking out of this prison bus.

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Love and Radiation Prologue

The world was plunged into an abyss of radioactivity and rage. continents were swallowed in flames and fell beneath the boiling oceans. the sky darkened as ash and dirt filled the air, black rain fell and irreversible damage was wrought upon the land.

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Anastasia St. Clair

By now most of hir critics agreed that shi was incurably insane, hir psychosis manifesting with a basic need to transform others into radioactive, tainted hermaphrodite hyperfurs such as hirself and hir co-workers.

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Chap 1: History and a new partner

radioactive material was spread over a 30km area. the area was evacuated immediately. after the evacuations, the government simply poured concrete into reactor 4 to try and stop the radiation from spreading any further.

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CYOA: Rustwater Chronicles Pt5

Just don't eat them or touch them with your bare hands on account of them being mildly radioactive though. i'll pay you an entire silver piece for each one you bring back, unless... you'd like to test another potion that is?"


CYOA: Rustwater Chronicles Intro

The radioactive fallout and following irradiation zones forced once bitter enemies of all races and creeds to seek what unsteady survival and comfort they could from one another.

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Jon Mahon Christmas Special

But the fake robot tree came with a fake robot santa who was evil but karson kicked its butt because he's goot at kicking robots' butts so the billy alliance got together with nuclear alex (who knew about radioactive stuff) and josh had some uranium

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Final Interview

A rambling stream of consciousness story i wrote about a scenario involving miateshcha 's character geiger, a giant radioactive death-dog, in a setting. contains crush, and harsh language, and other implied nastiness. viewer discretion is advised.

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Dead crew

All the military bases holding nuke silos along with nukes had a major technical meltdown and all the nukes in the world launched and the world was turned into a radioactive desert, and for the generations after, it was called the great cleansing.

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Project FURROUT 4 (Read-n-Vote)

Containers that vt claimed to be "radiation cleaners", hence why they were placed in sources of clean water all over the country... to keep the people happy in the illusion that the waters would not be radioactive for long after the bombs fell.

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Spasm's New Body

Spasm looks like the picture only with a radioactive green head, back and butt, a glowing red underbelly, inner thighs, and chin.

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The Spore; Chapter 1 Proofed

They discovered that the funguses were actually not radioactive in themselves, but instead seemed to be absorbing the radiation like massive sponges.

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