scar command was afraid that if i was allowed externals on this mission that i'd be weighed down. i didn't complain and my job was completed nonetheless cleaner.
Chapter 2. A dragon's torture
However, all the scars of his past tortures were now plain to see on his scales; his tail was marred with scar tissue, not a single healthy scale to be seen, his hearing vastly diminished, and his eyesight blurred, his wings...it would be hard for him to fly
Kiara's diaper discipline
So who is this date you are meeting tonight scar? sarafina asked. oh just a tiger from india. he seems real wild. scar replied giggling a little. so how do you want to do this change? sarafina asked.
Lions in the Metal Jungel part 2
Came scar voice,as he sat by his brother also dazed. " scar,were everyone,are they ok." mufasa asked ,his younger brother. " i think so,sarabi ,and simba here , but i don't know were anyone els is.." scar responded, to his older brother.
The Lion Kings' Legacy Chapter 2
#2 of the lion kings' legacy scar's dreams are starting to become his reality and someone isn't happy about that. posted using postybirb scar worked hard alongside the hyenas to make his dream a reality.
Finding Peace Part 1 Chapter 4
Between the poor cleaning job and ratty bandages that had been used she would be scarred and they all knew it. she had refused to open her eye, afraid to be seen with an ugly scarred eye just as she'd given to bane.
Dig Boss and the Captain 2
"but yeah, you've seen the scars, you know how useless i am in that regard." "it's... it's made you strong." she snorts. "get over here." he eeps and scurries on over. "on your knees."
three attempts
Three attempts they did try Three attempts my oh my While I lay in bed asleep Upstairs they begin to creep Sister tried a bat to the head Thought for sure he was dead Woke next morning only to see He was eating breakfast with me Next...
Pat's Wet Webcam Fun
"how did you get the scar across your eye?" "oh, that? you would not believe how that happened. see, my girlfriend at the time had me cuffed to the bed, and she was whipping me, and she accidentally hit my eye." "ouch.
lion man part 2
" sarabi,asked him pointing to scar/taka. " daddy. " replied sipho looking at her mummy ,then at scar. " that my boy ,and who am i ?." sarbi said ,proudly to him. " mummy too." little sipho giggles,as sarabi licked his face making him giggle more.
Lion King Epilogue
."** **"scar, you murderer! you better kill me now before i kill you," her voice crackled with anger.** **scar laughed evilly. "kill me? how are you going to kill me? you can't even move your body.
The Lion Kings' Legacy Chapter 1
"i prefer the name scar." with a new life, the lion needed a new name. and this new one would remind him of why he wanted to make a kingdom of his own in the first place.