Mother's Rules 1

sniper!_ ora shouted down the line. _get to cover, get to -_ the silent text fizzled, turning from letters to symbols without warning.

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Why Jeremy hates Sophie

Shane is a sniper a pretty damn good one he killed about 5,000 demons in his career making him the best out of his sqaud. with a l115a3 awm sniper rifle shane has a big advantage. shane's commander patterson made shane a master sargent.

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the journey to the jungle of traps

As they were moving along there was a russian sniper \*bang\* thensniper seen tommy and pulled the trigger it hit him in the arm \*ahhhhhh my arm it hurts like hell\* shhhh tommy heres a medic kit titan try to sneak up and kill the sniper when your done meet

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Project Godlike: Juli

And give me back my sniper rifle." i looked at her and say "so this is a sniper rifle, ok" i put it back together and stood up and handed it to her since my ability seemed to disturb her. "here sorry for the scare."

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Surviving the Harem Life! Chapter 2

I reached for my sniper, and managed to grab it. my weight shifted, and i pulled the sniper free, but the bipod was ripped clean. i swung back down, and took aim upside-down. "c'mon, try and hit me." i pulled the trigger, but it was stuck.

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Ean Vasht Th'Err

Knowing that the snap of his gun would cause the sniper to jump, as all snipers are a bit nervous, he stood up and let off another burst of nine. an arc of dull mustard sprayed up from the sniper's position on the rooftop.

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Cousin Amber- Leaving the Core

"they haven't exactly given me their names, but you have three snipers on me so i've been calling them the three stooges." "we don't have any snipers on you," the woman begins.

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Alter history

_circuit._ take the elevated sniper nest, they're should be plenty of cooler clips for your rifle. the rest of you follow me!" while our sniper rushes to his coordinated position while i manage to find a suitable debris for proper defensive firefight.

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The Portal Games: Ailsa's Promo

Showing off rapid sniper shots was a good way to get yourself sent to the medic for fucking up your shoulder. it was, however, a good way to prove that the first shot hadn't been a fluke.

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Abandoned Planet - Thursday Prompt Story [#18, 04/5/23]

Sigma yelled to jaq, who scrambled up and left behind the sniper. it would unfortunately have to get destroyed.

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Vault Hunters Pt. 3

Being the sniper meant you had one shot before giving yourself away if you don't have anyone to protect you. taking one shot, he reloaded his gun and sighed as he watched his friends destroy everyone.

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