Samantha's Sins - 0 - Introducing Myself

If the thought of any certain gender combination yucks you, the overall storyline probably is not the one for you. but maybe you'll enjoy those parts featuring your interests as a bunch of yiffy short stories.

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The Long Journey Inside Warwick's Body Chapter 1

-warwick is a fictional character from league of legends made by riot games -the storyline belongs to me in an unknown force, you have been teleported to the place where the undergroung city is often called "city of iron and glass".

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AnOtter Story

A quick note: this story takes place in the same 'universe' as my [tribulations of kerr the white](%5c) and [coon fandango](%5c) storylines, and while it doesn't contain yiff, it doesn't need to in order to get your imagination going....

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Digi Tails 3

I prefer to keep to the original storyline intact as much as possible, which means there will be 'underage' characters engaging in 'adult' practices. both are misnomers as adultness is a mental state, not a physical one.

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Andreas - Part 2

It was pathetically boring, so i couldn't quite follow the storyline. andy only occasionally got up to get a drink, but otherwise he remained in his seat for the duration of the film.

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Aisle Six

Any thoughts about the chapter or the storyline in general? any speculations? don't forget to stay tuned for the next exiting chapter! cheerio!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 5 - Private Moments

Just like real turtles. 2) the age distribution from oldest to youngest goes: leonardo, donatello, raphael, michelangelo. 3) the storyline of the first several stories is that of the tmnt 2003 series.

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Born from the Ashes - Prologue

.** **--- this part is more prologue than main storyline, and explains basic things to the reader. similar parts will occur in later chapters sideways of the main storyline.

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Five Dragons: TLoP: Chapter 9,5: Mental Closeness

Five Dragons: TLoP: Chapter 9.5: Mental Closeness       Exhausted, he stepped in front of his room. Placed his hand on the handle, the more his gaze in wonder aside. A porcelain dish full of warm water stand, lying with a washcloth beside it on the...

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Five Dragons: DLvP: Kapitel 9: Schatten am Horizont

Five Dragons: DLvP: Kapitel 9: Schatten am Horizont       Mit Kyndle an seiner Seite schritt er durch den Flüsterwald, immer noch auf der Suche nach Ansem. Vollkommen ziellos wanderten sie durch das Dickicht. An einem schmalen Bach legten sie eine...

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Angenehme Schmerzen

Angenehme Schmerzen   „Wie sollen wir weiter vorgehen?" fragte einer der Farmarbeiter leicht überfordert. „Er ist immer noch sehr aggressiv und lässt niemanden in seine Nähe." sprach er weiter.  „Hm." gab Clara nachdenklich von sich.  Beide sahen ernst...

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Five Dragons: DLvP Kapitel 2: Wilkommen in Stronos

Kapitel 2: Willkommen in Stronos Es war bereits Nachmittag. Die Sonne bewegte sich schon auf den Horizont zu. Roland wachte langsam auf. Das Erste was er sah war der verschwommene Umriss eines Kopfes und er Blickte in ein bekanntes Gesicht. Zwei tief...

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