The Human War- Chapter Eight
This was back when society hated rare white fur species because a mistranslated cub's book said that we are evil and will destroy the planet. my own adults sold me as a slave because of my white fur.
The Human War- Chapter Ten
Bear waited for the white wolf to appear. to be continued...
Lord of arms- Chapter 20
As he stepped out, he looked around at the blinding whiteness around him, and suddenly color began to flow into the whiteness. as the colors cleared, will felt a terrific shift.
The Human War- Chapter Twelve
He had grabbed a bottle of white out and was using the brush to try and paint the tiger white.
His claws grabbed her buttocks as he opened his massive muzzle wide, resting his huge white fangs on her stomach and perineum, allowing him to probe even more deeply into her, and she bucked and twisted in passion as orgasm quickly overtook her, her
Surpassing the Gods (unfinished)
(end of unedited first writing, property of ainrev white. sorrow is an original character written by ainrev white. all rights reserved.)
The Pokemon Threat Chapter Four!
**Chapter Four, The Mysterious Ledian!** Shadow was slowly dying, she gave a smile to Blitz and Aura, her only regret was that she didn't see the two kiss. She gave a sigh and then closed her eyes, slowly drifting off, but before she did, Aura tapped...
The Pokemon Threat Chapter Three!
**Chapter Three, The Threat Arrives!** Blaze was with Poochie, keeping him warm and protected. His eyes were getting heavy; he could barely keep them open. He looked at Poochie to see he was already asleep; he gave a yawn then placed his head next...
The Pokemon Threat Chapter Two!
> **Chapter Two, The Beginning of Romance!** > > Blaze was still roaming around the forest, bored out of his mind. He was about to give up when all a sudden he heard a soft call from a Pokemon, he looked around to see if anyone was around, then he...
The Pokemon Threat!
**Chapter One, A New Beginning!** Deep within a forest, in a small field of blooming flowers was a Houndour, many Pokemon were afraid of the Houndour, mostly because they knew Houndour and Houndoom had bad history. Nobody trusted him, and so he...
Just a short poem I thought up for my mate. I LOVE YOU! \<3 * * * My life, My dreams And everything inbetween. My love and mate, Perfect in everyway. I'll love you forever Never doubt that my dear. I love you My Nathan Our love will bring...
Moving into the kitchen, it was more of the same; black and white tiled floor that her claws clicked on, black appliances and counter tops that shined brightly, white cupboards stocked to the brim with goods.