World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas - pt2

It was supposed to be an empty promise since suel thought druids couldn't mate and have cubs with wildlife. "i do believe you'll quite enjoy this night."

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Return to Gilneas Pt 2

It was supposed to be an empty promise since suel thought druids couldn't mate and have cubs with wildlife. "i do believe you'll quite enjoy this night."

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Hard Worker: A Slippy Toad x Fox McCloud oneshot

"what kind of idiot tries to fly a cargo ship through a planet with such destructive weather constantly going on, _along_ with ridiculously hostile wildlife?"

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Light's Caress (Night part two)

Although werewolves have good connections with the feral life, the wildlife does not take kindly to werewolves praying on them instead of humans.

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I think I know what to do next.

Pretty scenery, lots of wildlife... the dead bodies of locals. okay so maybe its not all that great, i guess noxus and this place are at war, but they've somehow managed to hold back an entire army from the mainland.

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Minions, check for powerful wildlife that can be turned to war beasts."

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Team Argos, Book 1: The Unveiling Prologue

The hawaiian islands became volcanically active, wiping out many buildings, destroying plants and killing wildlife and many inhabitants in a swath of destruction that knew no limits.

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A Bronze Rising: A Short Night

My scent should have repelled the local wildlife, but once a fox came sniffing about, scurrying from rock to rock in an orange blur.

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The Pride Rock

Also i spot more and more wildlife. zebras, antilopes,birds,elephants and so on. now i have a new thread in front of me. lions. what if some lion decides to have a human for dinner?

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Life of a Mortal

Air always finds a way to blow down the plants and wildlife earth has worked so hard to build over the centuries. water gives earth the strength to regrow and repopulate the devastated area.

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diary of a porcupine -Psuenda_

I remember in second grade we were taught how to identify postwar wildlife prints from the contaminated ones, now called "reverts". an odd name, and quite anti ironic considering what revert meant.                

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Stay on the Path (Feral Hyena TF) [COLLAB]

It would be cool to see all the wildlife out there, but a strict path had to be followed in order to ensure the safety of everyone on the safari. she went to some of the biggest zoos but that wasn't quite as fulfilling.

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