It sets my mind to wander...

Well, let's reset the sims, and delay the first introduction by another six... what?" i was still shaking my head, though the period had shrunk. "no, let's not bother.

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Chapter 3 - Best Friend's Sister

Spear had mentioned that she played, but the fox had assumed that meant games like the sims, or maybe the legend of zelda. girly games, or so he liked to call them. but here she was, talking about games that he played!

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Rendezvous, Part One

I was going to say we could do those in the sims, instead, but..." the genet started to perk up, seeing the lifeline he was offering. "you didn't request processor time, did you? i could slot you in, don't worry. we can definitely do that.

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Far as human eye...

In the sims, she'd timed it as 1.72 seconds exactly.

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The strength of the pack

See you in the sims, yeah? it was nice meeting you." \* "contact, right one, twenty-six hundred. two ir contacts; one of them is radiating microwaves. designating them as india 17 and india 18."

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Love and Lycanthropy - Chapter 12

We'd have to rip out the sim card and destroy it or it could be easily traced, but at least the wolves would still be able to talk to me using the screen.i ran down to the basement to get the last taser and i disconnected the charger from the wall and brought

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Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 16

I think if anyone has a chance of beating him in the sim it will be you two," trysslyn said as he hung his suit up and turned, naked, to face them. "srythryn has to be getting in to range of that stealth ship by now, it's been three days.

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Les bon temps

They designed the sims especially for this system." "oh, good," mayer said, and managed a smile that anyone who didn't know him would probably find genuine. "uh, well, just find an empty bunk -- platoon's on leave right now, so not everybody's here.

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And what rough beast?

"i did my c&s training on the sims at io station. with the gurkhas. they were okay. but i was back on earth for most of it -- camp merriwether, and then camp sunset. it was pretty bad, yes, sir."

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The Heist

He hurriedly patted and searched the guard for the lost pistol but instead only found his phone and a walkie talkie, taking the sim and battery out of the phone before throwing it on the guard's chest, but keeping the walkie talkie.

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Shared Experience

. \*\*\* they were still playing around with the sims when, on the bridge, spaceman mitch alexander noticed some new contacts on her sensors, rounding kaizul.

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Slaves we are not.

"i'm soak in sweat and i can hardly rembered what even happen in the sim." i say to my self-getting really nauseate has more of the memory's came back. it all a blur of blood and snow then i remember the man the man i shot.

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