Drako Tygon and The Apocalypse Queen- ch 1

(world supers, a group that was made up of supers from america, europe, asia, australia, and africa. america rejected it, because it delved into less than moral tactics).i found out later that anthony was the one to spur this group.

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The Last Human Part 16

"than we'll be with you all the way and make sure they let you become part of america, they have to let everyone go through customs in order to become part of america, they have to by law and they can't say no if i have anything to say about it." said scrooge

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Character for Shadowrun Story: Franz

Then the shadowrunner phenomenon broke out in america. while shadowrunners such as dodger, runs-with-deer, and kham became popular icons among the youth, this bothered franz.

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Drako's wish, a Dragons tale

"it's in a country called america." kara gasped out. marina looked at me, "where is this america?" kara was the first to speak, "it's a country far west from our own country. but why of all places is it there?" "why what wrong?" marina asked.

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Under the Cherry Blossoms Part One

america. still somehow standing in this day and age. it was close. we almost lost everything a few years ago when some wonderful politicians decided that nuking the earth was better than living on it.

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College, Chapter 0

The union acknowledged the secession, and the confederate states of america became the fourth country of north america.

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620 Glyptodontic Procedure

Up until less than ten thousand years ago in south america.

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The Day That I meet a Hero Chapter 01

On a day that no one will forever get, the battle was over and hydra along with america rammed supreme. the children were checking out a location that seemed familiar but not human.

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The Last Human Part 20

"you know raito, maybe i can find a way for you to become a legal resident of america, like i did when i came to america." said scrooge as an idea popped into his head.

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Dystopian New York.

When the old america was in power, such actions would be frowned upon and heavily criticized. but now, the people would just turn the other way and let it happen.

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Which sam then said we're at a place called mall of america. for we thought that we would be safe here and not be seen or spotted by those decepticons."

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