Young love part 2

There is a small area of consciousness, somewhere just between sleep and waking when you are aware you are almost awake but are still wrapped in the warm embrace of your bed. Steven drifted in that area desperately trying to stay there, aware of the...

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Young love

Steven grunted heavily as he pulled himself up the last few feet into his tree-house. He lay on his back panting slightly as he though about how much easier that climb had seemed a few years ago. At the still tender age of fourteen it had been several...

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Distant Earth CYOA part 19

_Option b 24 votes go help Kelo_ Sighing the rabbit realised he was part of the engineering team, they had been nice enough to let him go and play with two very fun brothers, he owed it to them to help them out. He thought about taking the device with...

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Fur! It sets my teeth on edge, makes my skin tingle and it drives me crazy. In a way I just can't put into words no matter how hard I try and believe me I've tried. If I was born a hundred years ago I'd have been into bears. Big hairy guys, rough,...

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Trapped heat

Heat 3 "Falcon 359 please confirm your travel destination?" A rather stern female voice squawked into John's ear. John flicked on his transmitter and replied. "Our destination is Lapros, please can you confirm clearance to depart?" The human asked...

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Hibernation heat

Heat 4 It was a busy day in Lapros city the evening rush hour was just starting. Every road was jammed with hover vehicles and every street packed with pedestrians. Every mind focussed on his or her life. Ignoring the hustle and bustle of the streets...

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Heat 8

Heat 8 Captain Richard Jenson yawned and stretched as he woke up, sighing happily as he did so. He ran his fingers through his short brown hair as he looked around his hotel room. Clothes were strewn everywhere, the chair next to the small desk was...

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Innocent? I know it's hard to apply that term to a warrior like myself. I was raised a Prince of the Trevath; a chilling prospect. When I was just a tiger cub my father, the King, showed me neither love, nor kindness. All I knew growing up was the way...

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"Right Mr Stevens, you are aware of the situation and have read the file fully, correct?" A tired voice asked, it had been a long day for the social worker, but then he couldn't remember the last time he had a short day. It wasn't an easy line of work...

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The Orc and his boy

Grast yawned as he awoke, stretching his arms, the rattle of his chains a background noise he had long ago become accustomed. The stench of horse however was not so easy to accommodate. His many charges, and his Master's many chargers, had signalled...

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Does it matter?

Does it matter? It is a real simple question, ain't it? Shouldn't be too hard to figure out, only two possible answers. Either yes it really does cause x or no Sir, no it don't. Simple right? Real easy. However, nothing is easy when your heart is...

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Love Locked

A cold wind whipped past the bull, he pulled his jacket closer around him. With a hunch of his shoulders and a bowing of his neck, he tried to turn away the cold as he stood on the bridge and searched. It had been years since he had last stood there,...

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