Commission - Relax Queen 3, Full Of Love

She leaned on one leg, letting her tail swish with her cocked hip while her cock throbbed in its binding.

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The Far Far Range was a safe place in general, but it did have its difficulties, particularly for Daniel. After his slime hybridization, he'd had to be careful about things like getting knocked, touching the wrong slime, or eating the wrong...

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Third Wheel

Living with roommates could be a pain, especially when related to them. But for most parties, you could at least get away from them. Not so for RichardFitzAlan, or, rather, Alan and his 'brothers' Richard and Fitz. Being only one third of the...

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A Labor Of Love

Out in the desert there had evolved a strange culture compared to most other Kin. The whiptails of the desert were an all female race, scaled, sleek, and insular by nature. This was largely due to a trait they had developed somewhere along the line of...

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Beyond Gold

Vesmova walked the halls of the Olympic Village, her lithe form uncharacteristically meek and trepidatious for the usually proud and confident mink. It was largely for the thoughts running through her head, thoughts that had been plaguing her for...

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HISC - Like A Plant To Water

"Hello, and welcome to the first official meeting of the Hyrule Interspecies Swingers Club! I thank all of you curious and adventurous souls for coming, and hope that you satisfy all of the urges you've been holding back on for so long."...

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Pt 21 - The Druid's Journey

Lily and Gux walked among the redwoods with the morning sun, watching its rays stream through the trees from the side, creating shafts of light that glanced and danced off of every aspect of nature around them. They woke invigorated like they hadn't...

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Pt 20 - The Druid's Flight

Lily and Gux stood just outside the protective magic of the commune, the rain bearing down on them through the forest leaves. For any other couple, there might have been a moment here where they looked at each other, asking if they were ready to do...

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Loud And Proud

Over the course of the next few weeks there was a slow trickle of oralovis that came into the Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed Cafe. They began all citing Jackson as the one who sent them that way, but soon enough it was other people who'd arrived,...

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Pt 19 - The Druid's Growth

The days turned into weeks as the couple planned for their journey. It wasn't exactly a simple venture, traveling hundreds of miles through snow and wind and who knew what else... until Lily learned of two spells she thought she might be able to...

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Rose Hip Candy

Arlene was on pins and needles, secretly loving the dominant, invisible force that was moving behind her, hands caressing her, holding her close, that tail playing and binding her without even messing up her fur.

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Pt 18 - The Druid's Decision

Gux was noticing something as time went on. There was a ruling era of peace in the village, a feeling of calm that came with having a protector, and with it, rather a lot of druids were walking around sporting rounded bellies. Juniper was on her...

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