Brotherly Bonding
#1 of pure erotica two bobcat brothers double team a young virgin mouse. the start of my "pure erotica" short story series which will all feature close to 100% porn. "come." a gruff bobcat, greyed and aged, called back behind him without turning.
RTSYM: The Forbidden Pleasure
I seem to remember a certain bobcat asking me for dieting tips a few months back. now who do you suppose that was?" yoshi tried to stifle his giggling, but failed. he gave the bobcat a drunken smile and pointed a limp finger at him. "i bet it was him."
Prey (teaser) - Pulp Anthology
A tall bobcat stepped forward. his whiskers were well groomed and waxed into curls, the fur between his ears slicked back, and he wore a pressed, tight brown suit.
Happy Birthday to Me
A male, mostly-naked bobcat kneeling on the bed, smiling at me and wearing nothing but a bright red thong.
Never Let You Go (Part V)
Both the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms were empty, and there was no sign of the bobcat in the utility room or down in the basement.
Streets of His City | Chapter 4
The barkeep, who was also watching the bobcat, sighed and walked over to the drunkard's table. "up on your paws, mate." the bobcat swatted at the raccoon with his paw, made some sort of unintelligible reply and continued snoring. "alright, then."
Never Let You Go (Part VII)
I quickly turned, skidding the tires slightly, and jostling both the huge bobcat and me as the car hit the dirt at much too fast of a speed.
Feeling Better
That cat was one pretty bobcat. he was short, defined, and well rounded....everywhere (you had to have gotten that). he was spotted all over and had 3 stripes on his head. i had a crush on him went i first met him.
He heard the bunny gurgle, felt the bobcat thrust back as the wolf thrust in.. his nuts caressed the other 2 pair and then lurched as he hosed the feline butt down with his spunk.
VR Days
_" flicking his eyes to the side, he saw what the bobcat meant.
4 - Mutt meets Gunther
Mutt glanced behind him out of curiosity and saw the bobcat's unusually long tail was split halfway down and had two tips that flicked in unison as he walked.
As Easy As Breathing part 2
The bobcat left with a growl and i slammed the door shut. "officially, you've been sidelined on this op, because of your relation to the kidnapped. however, i know how important this is to you.