How We Survive: Arc 2: Chapter 1 W.I.P.

Rather that was the futon at home, the squatter commune downtown, or ex-lover's houses. yes, the fox who doesn't believe in love still has his string of romances, or lack thereof.

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Unresolved Paths (Chapter 1)

We other hungers brought him to the commune quickly. we wanted him to live to see your return, but his death followed soon after, perhaps before the message even reached you.

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07 Bunny Tracks

A church is not about always communing with god. sometimes you have just to commune with yourself. and, a church is a good place to do that. it's safe and everyone around is understanding.

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Selective Memory III

There was nothing more i could do at this point in any case; when i placed my hands back on the table and tried to commune with it again, i received no indications of activity.

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Way of the Beast, part 5

"remember how i've said that you're not ready to commune with the beast? that's because it can be a dangerous process.

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Clans of the Masquerade: Prt 1

They commune with the primal force that governs their actions, and they learn to wield it like a terrifying weapon upon their foes. the gangrel do not like the conveniences of modern civilization and prefer to spend their time in the wilds.

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College, Chapter 3

You're more than welcome, of course, to commune with us. what's your name?" "george ruskin," i smiled and sat down so we could chat a bit. i gave him my dorm room number and phone number also.

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Chapter XXXIII: Give me a sign

After two years of intensive caring, support and psychological therapy, of which i spent the first three months in a recuperation commune, the therapists told me that i showed promising results.

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Parts of a Whole

"you're the one whose idea of 'communing with nature' was 'getting fucked against a big sequoia tree.'" "i thought you would use a condom." "what, the ones you left on the bathroom counter?

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A God's Work is Never Done

I have eternity, but these mortals are taking time out of their short lives to commune with me. i need to respect that." riddle almost remained silent. almost nodded and respected the god's word without any further discussion.

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The Hunt

Her cries join with his and their spirits commune in mutual vulnerability for that one sweet moment. still shivering, the kitten clings to the large, furry body.

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Shola Noir

There is quite a bit of speculation about his history, but i hear that the brothers can commune with him, and some have actually seen him. do you know of the enshalla clan?" she looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded. "i think so.

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