Bani Lore! Bed Nannys!

Not to be confused with banis, bunny nannys are chosen for there cuddly and loving personality's, more to flight then fight as the cats are to fight then flight, they are more prone to picking up the baby banis and running then staying and fighting as cat

Confessions of a Dog

He was cute, sweet and cuddly. overweight, but i didn't care. i still remember our first date. "kill bill" at the amc theater in barrington, il. the second followed the next day at my place.

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the wet fox part four ending

In the morning she would go to the loo and be sick, dean just thought it's her time of the mouth but a couple of week later he noticed emma's belly was getting bigger and she was less cuddly, she then told dean why she was doing this.

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A Strange World Chapter 6

Human males are pretty disgusting, but these furs are so clean and cuddly how could i not feel some type of feelings towards them? i don't know but i guess my body knows better then my brain." he grumbled. they finished dinner.

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Leveled Up

cuddly. they kissed one another. ulf insisted on the tongue and purred. riley wasn't about to complain. riley turned off the water and offered the sheltie a towel but it was too late.

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Dreams of the Past

Nearly a dozen of cuddly plush skunkies. a whole set of noise making equipment consisting of a couple of different sized baby rattles. finally a large pile of building blocks that represent themself as a childish copy of the leaning tower of pisa.


Predscape Travel Blog - Lee - [Patreon Preview]

This time patrick visits the predscape of a soft cuddly kitsune named lee! wherever he goes, there's a little hokkaido in him.

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Some nice cuddly cosy times with a bit of sinking, merging and transformation; it's a lovely way to relax, isn't it?

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Bulging Stripes (Pokémon Vore)

With a very soft and cuddly-looking body, ideal in proportions for a stuffed animal, the flipper-like arms rested on the plump white stomach as it rose and sunk in rhythm to the peaceful breathing.

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Happy Homecoming

"not quite as cuddly," martin said, pulling off his shirt. "but definitely tastier!" he said as he started licking robbie's semi-stiff length.

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Then Den: Episode One

If you want a happy, warm, cuddly environment to live in we are your kind of people. we hope you will join our fuzzy family today." dad: warm and cuddly? okay, these people just sound weird.

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Jeramiah's Day Off

I'm usually a very nice and cuddly bunny that wouldn't dream of harming someone. i would have claimed them and you'd never of known. but you're a pathetic fuck." he says with a snarl.

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