Depression poem

Wrong because you can be what once was a taker a near cutter a target or you can stand up to them only to realize that when you do it causes more trouble that's what happened to me and they call me a pussy if they saw the scars on my arm from the

Closet Love Chapter 2 (Revised!)

My house was just like the school, cookie cutter. the houses in this neighborhood were almost all the same with hints of flare depicting the individuality of each neighbor.

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Chapter 13 - Return to the River

Epilogue the surviving soldiers, save for cutter and phibbs, were quietly rounded up, disarmed, stripped naked and sent back across the river on the first steamboat that could be hailed.

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The Forgiven

I noticed he was a lion, petite and frightened player 3: yugo "i-its him....cutter...the one on the news!" he yelled, i could easily hear his voice was tired and broken, he must have been yelling while we slept. "wait who?"

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Chapter 8 - End of the Road

One he picked up again and held out to her, showing her the box cutter. "i'm going to start with this." she clenched herself tighter when he extended the blade all the way.

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Qest: Primal - Chapter 20: Seven Course Meal

"search cutter or wes," brook asked. ethan nodded, and saw that wes had 2 and a half stars. then there was cutter who had 3 stars. he saw another guy named ravi who had 2 and a half as well. "oh! that's his name! ravi!"

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Veniferium (Incomplete)

Now harvesting and containing veniferium is rather simple through the usage of radio waves and laser cutters, along with a vacuum apparatus and specialized container, one can acquire this substance for processing if so desired.

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 6: Moving Up

He slashed at the air three times consecutively, each one sending an air cutter attack towards wade. wade still stood there even as the air cutters came his way, and then struck back right at the last second.

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[Article] Commander Opinions: Competitive Players

You can be a spike and win while still letting other players have fun **problem 2** : the new commander players are almost forced to use cookie-cutter decks, instead of brewing and testing their own. **solution** : encourage originality over all else.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 48

Pliers, punchers, benders, shavers, nasty-looking cutters. she was beginning to regret coming here.

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Pride Goes Before the Fall: Chapter 1

After two weeks of sailing, the galleon and cutter glided into the dock.

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D.E1 Chapter 14: The Blue Comet Part 3

Doko carried a plasma cutter, as kala and zulu also did. the three of them started to make their way trough the thick ice. it wasn't difficult to cut through it and after a couple of minutes, they hit solid metal. it looked like a twin door gate.

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