Sesshy's Studwork

"wanna come up to the farmhouse, maybe get in a shower, sleep in a nice bed?"

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Green Eyed Daughter - She was completely naked, and her tail was wagging.

. ----------------------------------- the five figures walked up a gravel road behind the farmhouse that they lived in, a family almost. a father in the rugged but loving captain. a mother in jade, the playful, smart young woman.

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Secrets Under the Roses - NIMH - P3/4

An old doll's house was the seat of power for the rats in this community, each room had been turned into as close to a replica of the farmhouse itself as was possible and most of it was just for the rat who titled himself their leaders and his brood.

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Final Eggnancy VII: Cloud's Chocobo Reckoning!

They had made it halfway to the farmhouse and stopped when cloud opened his mouth to say something "wark" was all that came out. he looked at tifa, who also warked in response.

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He spotted a farmhouse in the distance, and stumbled toward it, the exertion of the full day of walking with limited food and water finally sinking in. he knocked at the door of the farmhouse, and waited a short while.

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Wolf's Delight

Gradually, the truck rumbled into view, dust trailing behind as it sped towards the farmhouse. a light chuckle escaped from the lupine "bet he's expecting me."

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The Outskirts of Town (Chapter 3: Expansion)

I redressed and, following the bull's directions, headed through the old farmhouse, eventually finding myself in a large room with a bar, a large amount of round tables with various groups of people around them, and a sort of dance floor that the tables circled

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MakiaVi: The Frozen King - Chapter 4

Near the fields was a large red barn with a small farmhouse not too far away. the team landed as softly as possible as not to ruin the soil below them. the house looked very worn out. the paint had almost completely peeled off.


Pillaged and Ravaged

The orcs laughed and cheered, their leader and his brother leading them out of the clearing and towards the farmhouse their scout had found.

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The Stables & The Stallion

After a few minutes he entered what he assumed to be a large car park in front of the large farmhouse.

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Country Manpig Pt2

Already barry was starting to swell, his belly softening and hanging over his pants even more than before. about halfway back to the farmhouse, barry undid his jeans, still rubbing his now exposed belly as his shirt rode up it.

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Preview - A Beacon of Change

It parked in a lot outside the smallest farmhouse, which was a simple a-frame structure with tall windows. above the door was a black sign with copper letters that read "guest house alpha."

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