A Farmgirl's Cock. Part 1
The underlying tone of insecurity jessi once had is gone. this time she eyes you in an almost predatory fashion while bucking her hips and smearing her cock along your face. you worry that giving into jessi might be a bad idea.
Character Reference Sheet: Vincent
- empathetic: since vince can easily read people, and their insecurities, he often treats people gently, especially because he knows what it is like to be hurt by others.
We talked about how i sleep-walked my way into an old convenient store and woke up with a tire wrapped around my waist (jason laughed and said i must be pretty insecure to be putting on that big of a rubber).
The fox, the girl and the wardrobe
A howl from nearby made her start and she remembered where she was, standing in a small lush clearing in a dense forest, suddenly insecure she span round to retreat through the doorway only to be confronted by a perfectly solid looking tree.
Believe – Chapter 11: Cloudy night
Imya felt insecure and lost. she had no guide for the continuation of her journey. she rand a bit back and forth until she decided to rest for the night. she hoped that in the next night it would clear up and she could follow the star again.
Chapter 35: Goodnight My Love
Seleste lay there watching as talisa examined honiahaka's shoulder, and she wished she knew how to be as free of insecurity, jealousy, and anger. but she was just so scared of losing keme!
A Sex-Filled Story
She had severe insecurities about the color of her fur, as having black fur/skin/feathers was generally a sign of a black digimon.
[Karma's Fate] - New beginning (Chpt. 8)
I'm weak, insecure, and i make you take pity on me. ever since i've been young, i've always been weak. now that i think about it, i feel like i'm going to be a bother for you in the future.
Virgin Virus: Carl and Yun
You may be thinking: who is this young, insecure fellow? well, you can call me carl. i'll be 18 years old in a month. i don't think that day will be of that significance. i'm built slightly above average; i have some muscle and size on me.
Rainy Night
I wanted to write an older chubby character being shy and insecure about his self-image in opposition to my usually more dominant "daddy" types. there are no weird kinks this time, lol, just good ol' casual fucking and cuddling.
XXXMAS Day Twenty-third - Shyness
She'd always been insecure about her, well, everything, and they certainly hadn't helped. and it only made her question even more exactly what did jake see in her. a guy like that dated supermodels, not chubby, nerdy panda girls.
The party! [PARTY 16]
We only studied together at his house, since i was too insecure to tell my parents about him. and, uh... well, heh. i-i kinda lost my..." "-virginity." vermont interrupted. "ah, y-yes. virginity. to him.