Return to Sender 8 - Death Egg Zone
scratch and grounder looked at each other, a look of guilt coming over their faces before eventually scratch went over to fg, looking around for something they could use.
Return to Sender 2 - Saw Wood Zone
scratch and grounder however were struggling against one alone, the chickenbot trying to either scratch or peck at the simple steel carapace whenever the bug zoomed past them.
scratch figured most of the staff would be looking for them. scratch and y made a retreat around the rear of the building, where much of the same activities were going on.
Hard Rain: Chapter Two
Ghoti, bones, and scratch.
S under D[Arc 2]: The academy; Chapter 5
It was scratch's fault that marquis even got shot. he was so not forceful enough and it cost him his mate. "damn! i refuse to fail at anything again!" scratch yelled out to himself.
Return to Sender 6 - Metropolis Zone
scratch looked forlornly down at the scribbled calendar.
Return to Sender 1 - Scrap Hill Zone
As fast as scratch could strike, his strenght was surprisingly weak for a machine.
Return to Sender 7 - Wing Fortress Zone
Began scratch. "we're just...yanno what, screw this, i'm here fer my severance pay!"
A Hen's First Heat is Hardest
This was originally supposed to be his weekend off. After two weeks straight out hunting for the winter season and dealing with his homestead, he had planned to take a few days off to sit back, relax, and enjoy himself. Perhaps he'd read a book, or...
Pilot In Command
\>her hand moves over to gently caress your scratched leg.
Return to Sender 5 - Cyber City Zone
"don't lie to me scratch.
Return to Sender 4 - Hidden Palace Zone
Said scratch. "can we go now?! i really would like to leave, like, yesterday!" "scratch, cool it!" warned fg. "you don't wanna spook them, there's something wrong here."