Passing the Torch (Act1, Book2, Chapter19)

One of the mercenaries approached smith and said, "the jewelry store owner is telling the truth." smith looked up at his coworker. "explain." the mercenary glared at donovan, briefly, then cut his gaze back to smith.

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Pheasant Hunt 02 - Dirty Business

smith said with a calm voice. "that wont hurt.." he looked at the boy and pepe had the impression of seeing a smile on the scaled face. "mr smith?" pedro asked, breaking the silence again. "500... cash." the dragon raised. "i.."

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Exposure - Stage 1 - More Than Skin Deep

Despite the doctor's clear apprehension, smith's visit was more or less standard operating procedure.

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The Butterfly Den

smith said, his tone rising, "addy, it's been fun, really has, but you need to leave, now." "but i can't leave now."

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Internal Auditor 13

smith. i know you. i know about your past, i know about your father as well. a jolly good man as i can remember but alas, we only met once. quite the man..." and he points at smith. "just like you." smith clenched both paws together to form a fist.

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Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 14

The three of us turned and saw that harry and smith had walked in, knocking to get our attention. hopefully, smith can shed some light on cali's current predicament. "so, how are they, doc?" harry asked curtis.

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If Kilgore Trout had been a furry

All the work on pojig was done by machines though so no fur muhammad smith knew had a job.

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P:A chapter 2

smith venomously remarked. "as much as a big door should scare a bloke, i suppose" dutch retaliated dryly.

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One hundred and One, falling out of the sky

smith, now get me down!" i walk over to the tree, spotting a light brown hare dangling from it. "settle down." i tell him, as i climb up and unlatch him from his chute. "thanks" mutters smith, as we jump down.


10: That Sibling 'Love'

Thankfully her heat wore off an' granny smith an' apple bloom came home 'fore it got that far, but the next few weeks granny smith caught applejack sneakin' around an' followin' me around town.

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