"yes, hir name was sunrise, shi died during that horrendous bombing of amistad a few month's ago." he replied, fighting back tears.
Gryphons' Wake-Up
Seeing the sunrise was nice, but the sex was even better," dara responded with a wiggle of her rump. kiðren chuckled. "mmm. until you get yourself a mate, you know where you can get some." "definitely."
Journeys of Time 3
I made it clear that i wanted everyone here for sunrise." light panting sounds could be heard as avril came running with what seemed to be a massive parchment strapped to her back, "sorry that i am late, i had to..." tenchi growled, "i said sunrise.
Masked Intentions - Part 1 (Dog TF)
And before the sunrise too! no bending the rules!" " **before the sunrise, yes. you were very close. but i win.
Reflections on the Beach
Then i may have to think of a way to keep you up until sunrise..." daisy said softly, going quiet as she pondered her options.
Madoa's Hypnotization
However, this past sunrise had changed everything. when he had least expected it, he ran into an old aardvark acquantince.
Resurrection Pt1
sunrise and mendra tipped the cauldron, and the green potion began to swirl towards the lip. the concoction landed on my chest, smoking and steaming.
Invading Will Chapter 11
Deanna turned back to the sunrise approaching. "the sunrise is always wonderful to see isn't it?" alicia said as she came to stand at the railing. "they are when its peaceful enough. what is it that you want."
The Wish Chapter IV
His lack of such luxury was not his most pressing concern, for now he was becoming a valued part of sunrise research farm.
Chapter 12: Rohan Gets a Big Surprise
Rohan asked, turning back to look at the sunrise. "mhmm." kitara replied. rohan kissed her again, then stands up and pads off, heading for the game trail they found yesterday.
Lonely Oak Chapter 73
"you don't want to watch the sunrise?" he questioned back. "...i figured you'd think it was a stupid idea," she said. "have you ever seen the sunrise?"
Lagomorphs -- Chapter 33: Departure
Something about a joyous sunrise, a new beginning, the makers returning someday? as they started down the hill, diver turned and waved to the crowd of rabs, most of whom waved back. not gran'sir, of course. "wow.