The Mission of Voyager 3
"lieutenant johnson, what is your analysis on the planet?" she looked up from her screen to locate her sensor operator. "one moment, captain." he busied himself with his console, gathering data received by the sensory equipment.
The Plan Chapter 1
He sighed and pulled up a systems analysis on the computer screen in front of him, observing the energy reactions for a little while before a door to his left slid open. looking towards it, he saw his longtime ally and closest thing to a friend, dr. n.
6 (DSV Nautica) Into the Ruins Part 2
"analysis of the archives and a dna sequence, though mutated, has helped us greatly. the race appears naturally sociopathic. its amazing that they got this far as a race. though they did band together out of sheer necessity for awhile.
Slut Champion Cynthia extended cut
Dna and handwriting analysis has confirmed that this note is genuine although the contents of it have yet to be verified. the rushed style of the handwriting and the hastily scribbled out words suggest she was in a hurry to leave this note.
Change of Perspective Page 16
Further analysis based on combat data has indicated the tertiary appendage has high probability of snagging.
Manic's Repayment 3
"i've finished my analysis of him. what's next?" manic licks his lips, and he pushes himself up. "i'll just... get away, myself.
Intel In The Alleyway
(advanced tactical analysis was among bb-2000's subroutines.) he produced a feral growl before saying, "you think you got the _ceevoos_ to take me on? eh, _vanakka_?" the droid looked the feline up and down.
Roody vs Rafflesia 2
In this series, i like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons on patreon.
Squeaks vs. Collith 1
In this series, i like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons on patreon.
My original intent was to get a better idea of how morphs engage in real time threat analysis when they monitor us, but i think i'm getting sidetracked." around them, the patio café outside the student union bustled.
File #17
"i thought you may like to know that commander kakriko has finished his analysis of the iaidon computer we encountered on eranus iii." "i see..." replied alexander, putting down and pad and giving his first officer his full attention. "and...?"
File #14
However, their elation was short lived as yusa's tricorder gave a definitive beep, signalling that it had completed some sort of analysis as yusa flipped it open with a flick of his wrist.