Aeden and Yuki
Aiming for the targets drawn on trees she pulled back on the bowstring, holding her breath she let the arrow fly. the arrow missed and hit the tree two yards behind the one she aimed for. sighing she pulled another arrow from her quiver and fired it missing
Bow and Scale
Marcus fired the arrow and it shot through the air and penetrated the sheep's skull. the arrow killed the sheep instantly and marcus had already notched another arrow and sent it hurtling towards another sheep.
Encyclopedia: Ta'rall
The fins along the body of the arrow are serrated to prevent the arrow from being pulled out. the bows have a small wooden attachment placed at the point where the arrow would normally rest. the attachment is a guide.
As he made his way towards the front door, he noticed a faint arrow pointing towards his backyard.
Paws of Fire: Unwritten Story - Chapter 18
An arrow had landed just between the two...a bone arrow. uraku and aveyi stopped and looked toward the waterfall. millions of bone arrows were rising...and some closer ones were already falling. uraku muttered quietly, "he's early..."
The Birth of the White Death
The elf finally stopped laughing and pulled out an arrow. "i'm sorry fuzzball but you are going to have to die!" he let loose and arrow and my senses kicked in.
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 25
While sage heart was still distracted, snowy conjured an arrow of fire on his middle finger and an arrow of ice on his index finger then brought the arrows together creating a red and blue spiraled arrow that he drew on his bow. "antipode shot."
FR10: Up to the hilt in the rodent’s skull
His arrow took the female stoat high in the neckline, dropping her instantly. beside him, squire ferrin - a fennic fox, killed two more warriors with a single arrow.
A Hunters choice
Asillira walked over and prepared her bow she raised it, took aim and fired her arrows, the crowed gasped, her arrows all hit in the mark.
Life as a anthro chapter 2 alex the unfortunate elven
Alex aimed his bow and shot an arrow at the dark elv he raises his handgun and shot the arrow as dowa jumped up and swung the huge sludge hammer at him.
EyeWatch: Hurzin Up
As i formulated a plan, my claws grabbed the fourth arrow and started moving it in different directions. however, it did not take long for me to solve it, however. as i turned the last arrow to the left, all four arrows glowed brightly.
Chapter Three: Robin Hood
"don't give him too much credit, hobo.", said jacob as he climbed up and yanked my arrow out of the middle seat. "missing something?", he asked me, handing me the arrow as he sat down.