WeylandYutaniCorporationDate Log22361AG Part Two
Salvor, after hitting her head against the navigation console on the bridge, lost consciousness.
EVA erklärt die Welt
Des weiteren zählt das erfassen von wetterdaten, verkehrsinformationen, navigation, tv sowie radio übertragung und speichern sowie das weiterleiten von militärischen daten zu meinen aufgaben.
Tamarar - World Overview
The great wetlands are a massive swamp/bog that is extremely dangerous to anyone who does not know how to navigate them. on the far side is another expanse of flatlands.
Back Alley Payout
Having grown up in this area, silas knew how to navigate and get things done. they always said that experience was the best way to learn, but the rodent picked up his tricks by watching others.
Inquiry into the sinking of the H.M.S. Thunder Child
Afterwards, the rest suddenly released a volley of black smoke, like a squid would do for defense, which temporarily stopped us from navigating properly, but we pushed through it unharmed.
Final Migration [Iron Pen Winner, Furry Migration, 2015]
Our coordinates are inscribed on its interior but you will only be able to understand them and properly navigate the contained wormhole once you understand superluminal physics. we look forward to meeting you. when you are ready: come to us."
The first twelve hours
navigation, plot course for a habitable world listed in the intrepid's navigation computer. we leave as soon as the solomon is in place." with both officers either busy or in bed resting, i was in for a long shift.
The Wolf Hunters - Episode 5 - Acts of War
Art must juggle the responsibilities of being the mission commander, ship navigator, and caretaker for a headstrong female zephenidian.
Dune Ridge - Chapter 1
Need skilled weapons expert/ navigator/ and ship mechanic. serious inquiries only. contact jack via inter-city mail code: or-57 or find me at shipping yard 9d. look for the fastest vessel there!_ "navigator, eh."
Experiment 261 Chapter 10
He brought up a navigational program and used it to calculate how long it would take to get to johannesburg. after a brief moment, a detailed map appeared on the screen.
Alphabet Challenge 2018 - N is for Nocturnal Emissions
She stared blankly at the holo-image of their route, and nodded slowly as the captain pointed out a couple of gravitational anomalies that she would need to identify and navigate successfully when the time came.
Ecstasy or Oblivion - Session 6
My navigation showed that my train car would be arriving in fifty seconds and i jogged to where it would line up: behind four other cars that were currently being boarded. the train car arrived with its sleek sloping sides.