New World: The letter
If you had the opportunity of reborn in somewhere else with a new body and a new family would you take it? everybody answered the two first questions and then the third question came to just some people who simply said yes.
True Beauty
May we rise from the ashes of our past, as does a phoenix, to be reborn, whole and new. to fill the earth once again with the beauty it once bore. with the love and kindness that once flew free over plains, over mountains and seas.
Guin Saga Zodiacs Teaser: Byin's Broken Faith.
"i heard you were going to be reborn today, master byin." nekoh suddenly spoke in a child like voice, and all rements of shidoh's old personalty weren't present. "i hope you and i can serve our lord and savior to the fullest."
Kaiju Dragon Reborn Chapter 2
If i gave you the potion and nothing happened it meant you either didn't have the drive to make it happen, or you weren't the kaiju dragon reborn." "so does this mean that i am definitely him?"
Death Kiss 9
Putting one foot forward then the next i leave my baby behind in that room where i was reborn. walking out into the forest my feet hardly touching the ground.
Kaiju Dragon Reborn Chapter 3-4
Coincidentally, those same blue stripes pegged him as the kaiju dragon reborn. that unique feature paired with his personality made him stand out. not that he minded.
In Light and Shadows 1.5
"of course you don't remember anything now... it all happened so long ago... but we were reborn... as fate would have it that we'd be together. remember my dear... remember that fateful night at the tower of illusions."
Gemini – Book 2 – Chapter 4: Broken and Beaten
He was reborn anew. author's note i am deeply sorry about the length of this chapter but i felt that chapter 3 just didn't cover enough. expect a longer on next time.
A Second Chance Chapter 1
Now forget everything so you may be reborn...forget everything" she spoke as my eyes felt heavy and her voice slowly faded as i fell asleep. (i hope you enjoyed this chapter)
The Anthro Religion - (WIP)
After a generation had past or when the goddess felt they where ready, the soul would then be seeded back into a mortal body, reborn to gain new life experiences.
Easter in Devout America
He is tortured by outsiders, died on a cross and is reborn more powerful than ever before.
Backstories: Boss Guillermo
He felt as thought he had died and been reborn, no longer feeling empathy for others the way he sometimes felt it before, and he forged an alliance with a certain someone with more suspicious links than sausages in the post-apocalypse.