A Commission Mothy Mayhem
My eyes open after another long slumber. I appear to have drifted quite a distance from the darker corners of the universe. A giant glowing orb stings my eyes as I blink the 'sleep' out of them. _What the devil_. I let out a chuckle and...
Noah's Day~
Wednesday morning, a perfect time for a little bit of alone time, at least for Noah. For the Braixen, staying at Rammy's house proved noisier than one would think. Indeed, the other day, the Zoroark, beautiful he may be, had brought home another...
The Best Recipe
Sunlight woke Noel, a bright beam sneaking around the curtains to press insistently against the sabre-tooth's eyelids. He scrunched them tighter, making an upset noise and then batting at it with a paw. "G'way," he mumbled. The sun ignored him. He...
A heated night
The queen-sized bed creaked beneath two Pokemon. One, a black and blue furred canine pinned down the other, a yellow and black furred feline. The pair's muzzles were pressed together in a deep kiss, and their hips rolled and rocked against each other,...
Uncle's Confession
Owen awoke to the sound of birds happily tweeting and the gentle warmth of summer sun on his face hours later. Reflexively reaching out or the hunk he fell asleep on top of, he opened his eyes, the dreamy smile on his muzzle turning to confusion as his...
Forbidden Love: Discovery
(Commission for DreamGod that will likely turn into an ongoing series.) Supple, bouncing flesh glistened in the summer sun, accompanied by the melodic sounds of giggling feminine voices. Paiwa rustled the bushes as he leaned...
Gap Year: The First Date
Jake planned on getting us nicely dressed up in nice suits and then going on a nice romantic dinner at la tavola. we went down the rue d'alsace lorraine which had all the clothing shops and fancier stores.
Blank Slate - Parts 1 & 2
The kiss was more romantic than passionate though, the demon's curiousity-driven lust sated for now.
The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wind
Also, he might or might not have intentionally left out the fact that watching the sunrise together was considered a romantic practice among rito couples.
The Gift
"C'mon, tell me!" The Great Dane stepped in front of the stallion, putting a hand to his chest to stop him in his tracks and giving him a twinkling, wide-eyed look. "You know you want to..." He tilted his head to one side and let his tongue flop out in...
Dianna Goes Poof!
**The glow of the TV illuminated the room, it was almost midnight and Dianna was fiddling on her phone. Sophie was getting tired but wasn't falling asleep. The two had had their fun earlier, but Dianna was restless about something. Dianna finally gets...
Morning Cup (Poetry)
_Morning Cup_ by Daniel C. Aaron You woke the morning up With your passion and with your love. You poured a morning cup And I knew it was the one, The one I had to drink, Down and all the way, To the bottom, from the top; A little drop of...