Fighting Over Forest
Leaning in, his cock grazed over her petals, and a subtle dip pushed the tip right back in.
Wereness 1. The Mare
You continue your slow pace and savor the droplet's subtle pleasuring.
Wolf Spider by Vallhund
Throughout the evening i garnered a large number of compliments on the costume and a few subtle and not-so-subtle remarks about how much of me it revealed. i had removed the mask for convenience sake and to let me eat and drink.
Dreamscape: By Light of the Crescent Moon
In the grassy meadow below, sat and reclining against its soft earth beneath the sheltered canopy of a lonesome tree, it was easy to simply rest in silence and enjoy the subtle beauty of the night.
Dark Heart, Dark Seed - Part II
My hat slid past my ears and fell to the floor, its subtle thud breaking the pin-drop silence in the corrupted sanctuary; my breath and the ticking of the grandfather clock by the tallest bookcase were frozen in time, under some invisible spell.
Character Reference Sheet - Rebecca
Large, yet proportionate bust, in line with her natural shape, which is one of subtle flowing curves. long, thick, light brown hair that falls to the middle of her back. worn loose most often, tied back when practical.
Twinks Across America: Chapter 3 - Washington
A subtle sniff made me catch the faintest smell of leaking marten precum coming from below that adorable taint, mostly hidden beneath rose-scented cologne and wafts of once-soapy fur permeating from his clean backside.
A White Xmas for Donamer - 2011
There was a lot of friction in those subtle strokes. a friction that built the pleasure amazingly quickly.
Hands on Testing
Her maternal bump was subtle at first, only just showing through the gentle curves of her pudge, though its growth far outpaced a natural pregnancy.
Eternal - Part 1
._ kaden's gaze trickled down from her neck through her grey fur and across her subtle breast bone to her not so subtle- _what am i thinking?
Other World Chapter 6
She asked in a subtle voice. shan looked to her and then to the floor, thinking about what she said. a few moments went by and he walked over to the balcony once again and looked out into the city.
LAWT #4 ~ After [Memories Pt.2]
Alex admitted quietly with a subtle shake if his head, looking away and shrinking into his chair. "do you wanna talk about it?" lorrie asked, placing her hand over his, engulfing it.