The Fox and the Flame (Chapter 4)
Turning around, i trotted back to the bedroom, and hopped up on the bed to find my warmed sleeping spot.
Under the Moon
Sprocket nodded, and trotted to the strange cannon in the corner. luna quietly turned and trotted out the door, gently closing it behind her.
Tainted Water - Felan
Glaring her down, the grey wolf trotted over to the edge of the water his white-furred counterpart was already happily lapping up by the mouthful.
Winter's Bloom - Chapter 4
Applejack was a bit confused by this statement, but didn't say anything, instead just trotted along behind apple bloom in silence as she continued to recount a brief history of the encampment.
License to Kiss - Chapter 1: Prelude to a Kiss
Applejack was a bit confused by this statement, but didn't say anything, instead just trotted along behind apple bloom in silence as she continued to recount a brief history of the encampment.
Tammy the Telekinesis Cat (unfinished)
Toni nodded and trotted over to a shack and jumped into the open window. tammy went the opposite direction and went into an alley behind a large cement building. she jumped onto a trashcan lid and popped the lid off.
Warhorse vs Nyteshado
As the cage door swing open and hooves trots in... "why don't you take the muzzle my sweet!" nyte smirks as he pounds that hot firm warhorse sex! fin
Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act II - 10 - The Pain of Staying the Same
"oh trots, you liked the trip, don't lie." and with that the door closed, leaving rainbow alone once more. ///////////////////////////// meanwhile, trixie trotted haughtily through the base--or rather the tactile projection did.
One Day, They'll Throw Flowers
Her eyes soon caught a pale, red-maned pony happily trotting away from the shop. the filly spotted the unicorn, and trotted faster towards her, a wide grin plastered on her face. "good evening, mithith lyra!" lyra forced a smile. "hello, twist.
Saving the ponies Chapter 17: Delay
Rainbow trotted over to aj's side. "are you okay?" when the earth pony nodded, dash continued: "can i get you a glass of water or something."
Colie 06: Culture Gap
As if his thoughts were a call brenda trotted downstairs and to the kitchen door, and outside, the sound of her four paws trotting off the porch. randolph shook his head, reminding himself, he was the only human in a family of dogs.
Terveta-Chapter 5: Spring (Part 2)
She gave a happy yip and trotted close behind. "hey seth, can you look after my floaty?" she yelled over her shoulder. "yeah!" he called back tiredly while still dodging flying ice balls.