Stress Relief

Chip pulling back pulled tony's cock out of vince and when chip slammed, tony slammed into vince. both moaned in pleasure. "mmm...

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Vince and Rocky: Chapter 3

vince and rocky walked tiredly off, to a table with two extra seats. vince sat down next to another blue fox.

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Love of All Kinds Ch.2-Getting More Love

vince was glad he had time to rest up after she did it to him. "but i'm sure she's going to fix that." vince and eddie talked for another hour while everyone else was starting to wake up.

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The Gift 3: Birthday Changes

"hm, if that is truly what you desire," the man said with a brisk calmness that made vince think of the tranquil from dragon age. "it's a bit small to be all that, isn't it?" vince said as he looked at the box.

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Days At the Office: Unexpected Turnarounds

vince took them both into his handpaw, stroking slowly as they settled into place. it'd be tough going for bael, fucking both of them, but he'd make it work. vince had no doubts about that. "a bit closer..."

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vince smirked slightly. "yeah, but you usually get mad when i do it," he said with another lick. the mouse frowned, then blushed, then hit vince in the shoulder.

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Suiting Up: AV

The more it was played with the more vince had to wonder if their ass had always been this big or if the suit made it bigger. their paw then moved behind them and vince felt it grab the top of the mouse's head.

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Mutt Part 4

He got down on his knees in front of vince and started getting him ready. while he peeled back vince's sheath and started to bob his muzzle up and down on it vince motioned me over to stand beside him.

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Hidden Alpha, Budding Omega 4

vince slowed down and let his friend catch up to him before the two of them stepped inside. they found humphrey and garth waiting for them. vince's father approached with his tail visibly wagging, welcoming him and vos to his den.

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The Second Age

vince did, indeed, put him down, very slowly.

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Love of All Kinds Ch.1-Eeveelutions

This was why vince was happy to have his little group of helpers. there weren't many people around who knew how to juggle all the jobs they did. "alright everyone, eat up!" vince called as he filled their dishes.

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Workplace Conflicts. Part One.

When the pair arrived inside, a rather hecticly jittering chihuahua arrived at vince's side and rubbed his paws together. "what is it?" vince asked.

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