More Than You Can Chew

Nanaki didn't like that situation at all. Standing at the edge of the local woods, the only place in this region where humans were staying away from, could indeed perceive why intelligent species preferred not to go any further. The red-furred beast...

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Do As I Told

The weekly tea time at Jacklynn's home while always welcoming, was always inevitable like day and night. While it was technically possible to reject the invitation, her charming personality and joyful aura made it difficult. And not like Lilly ever...

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Just Right

The start of the annual TransmoCon was as overcrowded as expected when even more attendants could finally feel like their favorite characters from technically any media. The abundance of different anime characters would quickly put shame on the...

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Bumpy Ride

This trip couldn't be worse. Being on the board of interstate bus often meant few things; loud and bored kids, people talking on phones with speak on and of course, sweaty and hairy males. For Celeste, a somewhat mature squirrel woman it wasn't a...

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Dread and Desire

BOOM! A thunderous blast echoed inside of the building, completely shattering the railing of the stairs with such power, that it completely knocked off a half-naked feline, leaving him unconscious on the floor. His towel flew away, showing a...

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Eeveelution Of Love

In the world where Pokemon live only with their species, it probably looks quite bizarre to outsiders how similar it looks to their own home. They also had towns, apartments and of course education system, building all the necessary places to learn how...

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I Told You So

"That's it, sweetie! Make momma proud!" Wet sounds of two bodies slamming against each other reverberated through the living room, along with repeating moans and wheezing. At the same time, the feminine voice kept encouraging her partner with kind...

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Of Hexes And Horses pt 1

The Simpsons household saw almost anything that could be imagined in past life, including such aberrations as the man of the house becoming self-titled inventor, actual genius or even an astronaut, although still remembered as Bart strangler. But this...

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Through The Mud

Living in the jungle had always up and downs in the so-called 'circle of life', where absolutely everyone had their place, usually above or under the other. Although in these parts, there were some exceptions to that rule, since most of the predators...

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Cheers! by Varien Quill Heavy rain drops mercilessly pounded against the glass of closed windows, adding to the already ominous atmosphere of the current day. But not everyone was worried about the current situation, especially not Soup. The...

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Fur And Fire

Jake couldn't believe how much time passed since the last time he could finally rest. He had already thought about getting a double portion of noodles, but he still had to change in the locker room. And by that, he meant not only his soaked...

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Gotta Blow

One Hundred Acre Forest was always a magnificent place, filled with curious, distinctly different creatures, living their daily adventures, or just lazing about and enjoying doing "nothing", one of best exercises taught by Christopher Robin himself....

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