Always Cry Wolf (Part V)
The fox sobbed into his chest and they cried together on the floor of the bathroom. trevor wasn't going to say what was going though his mind. the images of slitting vince's throat would only upset the female in his arms.
Associated Student Bodies -- Don't Cry
Gently, he cradled the phone and tore down the dormitory stairs. \* \* \* \* \* _don't cry, you're not alone; don't cry tonight, sweet baby; don't cry, you'll always belong; don't cry, my sweet
Two Worlds: Warriors Cry (15)
Kevin was miserable enough that his eyes were burning too much now to cry but that wasn't going to happen. kevin cried too much now and it was time to take it like he should.
Cries to the Moon: A Lamb Among Wolves
#2 of cttm **cries to the moon** **a lamb among wolves** daniel's fear was dismissed as the pack sped up, reaching the top of the hill before stopping. "we're being followed aren't we?" he whispered to justin who laid his ears back.
The Tears You Knew You'd Cry
The tears you knew you'd cry asher heike prologue it was there he sat, on a newly swept oak porch located in the back of his house.
The Cry of Sodom: Book I, Addendum
Family liaisons await and his daughters are more cunning than he could have imagined in their quest for pups and continuing their bloodline. --- this is a re-release of the cry of sodom.
Always Cry Wolf (Part IV)
Both siblings turned simultaneously and cried out in unison. "no!" the wolf laughed at the two foxes and then pointed at his watch. "hey, we need to get going. i don't want to be late to my fist night on the job."
Always Cry Wolf (Part III)
Kendal grabbed his sister and held her tightly as she began to cry. "no jenny, don't feel shame in what we've done. i've wanted you since i watched trevor take you. we're adults now jenny, consenting adults!"
Always Cry Wolf (Part II)
Her heaving cries were stifled in his matted fur as she relented to the tenderness he offered her. "i... i just don't know if this is the right thing to do." she wailed.
Always Cry Wolf (Part I)
He clenches his teeth to hold back a cry as he unloaded into the toilet. quickly washing up he returned to the kitchen and took the beer kendal handed him.
You'd Better Not Cry! (Darker Version)
"good god," santa cried, crouching next to the dead doe. as if his hands weren't bloody enough, he reached up and into the deer's abdomen. "there!" he cried, grabbing and pulling.
College Years
Chapter 5 College Years Orlando "What I don't get, is how you ended up getting stuck with a prick like that" It was lunchtime. Dozens of others furs flocked about the large cafeteria talking lively with one another as they arrived. Some...