Chapter Twenty-Four (Angie)

I'm thinking it's dexter, maybe he forgot to tell me something, but when i open the door, todd and wendell stand there. "hey cousin." wendell says.

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Better than Ice Cream

dexter had both his feet kicked up on the couch and was well into the process of merging with the fabric. it had been a long damn week, but it was over and time for the weekend.

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The Beastfolk - Final Version

Racial traits: +2 constitution, +2 charisma, -2 dexterity, -2 wisdom. low-light vision.

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Oklahoma (Todd)

She's one of my very best friends, dexter." "oh yeah, that's right. she once mentioned she had a friend named dexter, but she never said he was a tiger, or that he drives a truck in the midwest." "yeah.

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Like Soldiers - 2022

#4 of commission - dexter and miles like father, like son, like soldiers. a trilogy of 51,861 words. dexter, miles, and chase belong to yanixter. auxiliary cast to me! thanks for reading!

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Can You Help Me? - Learning 2 - Shadow Man

"to dexter, from william," i read the small tag hanging from it. for him to buy this it would cost him a lot of time to save up. i picked it up slowly tearing up. i knew there was only one place he was running too.

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Memories of the Past - Tessa´s Story and the beginning of the Great War – Chapter 3 of 4

"call me dexter my friend." " dexter. hmm... somehow i remember that name. no matter. tell me how many pokemon are living in this village?" " about 50 but currently we are only 30 and all males.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 15: The Trees Left Standing

"i can take dexter now." "don't do that!" the brown wolf smacked his arm. "you know how easy people can make dexter cry. he's a sweet boy." "sure, i won't take dexter." "by the way, where's your brother? he should be home from school by now."

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What could you compare Kyruku to?

These tails are highly dexterous and in kyruku who take the time to practice and train the muscles, they can become as flexible and dexterous as a finger.

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the dark night chp. 2

"i got two one at dexter axle which sounds fun and if that does not go well then i am going to burger john's" he said kind of disappointing " well that sounds fun" "yea i hope i land at dexters" he took his last bite and got up "here is

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Discovery - Chapter 2, Chamber of the Falling Stars

[dexter] "no, plankton don't react with magnets, nor do they move in such wave like patterns." "no, it's a metal, but not like any we've ever seen.