Protein Shake - Part 1
The massive german shepherd slurped and suckled the tiny dick as if it were a candy corn.
One Night in the Forest; Part 2
The german shepard growled at oscar. oscar noticed that adam was already dressed and shaking a bit. "come here fox." both of their attention was brought back to the german shepard standing next to the car.
My Meeting with the Man who Helped Hitler's #2 Man Escape Death
I don't, however, because as someone who is german on both sides and had quite a few relatives on the german side of wwii, i could never afford to believe the propaganda without second thought. i'd like to think that tex wheelis didn't either. !
The Muscle Effect – The Offer and The Choice
Gorman chuckled and looked at the german shepherd.
My Love of War, Part 2
For awhile we just watched, dumbstruck, as the germans decorated their trenches with makeshift decorations. as dusk turned into evening the sounds of carols erupted from the german side.
Zootopia: The Lost Dragon
The german shepard licked his lips at the sight of that big ursine shaft, then pulled away to finish shucking off his own clothes.
Anomalous Space
Tags: no sex, german shepherd, elephant, shark, cheetah, various species, uplift, transformation, feral to anthro, sci-fi,
Senz'Anima - Violent Revelation
german shepherd. hitler's perfect race. little wonder it was his choice for a german doll, half his staff was said to be sheps. brown looked up. just meeting his eyes for a moment. he blinked, and looked down. the buck didn't quite sigh.
Fat Daddy Dog- Trade with TCW
"alright," the german shepherd continued, "get off my clothes, and bring me to my dinner." the german shepherd said as slipped his finger out of the younger dog.
Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 4 (caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)
Inches to let the dog adjust the german shepherd winced, already spread quite a bit "i... i'm not sure i can take your knot..."
Red Storm ch. 4
"we can try... if you see anything german, shoot of kill it." he said. the two put on their ponchos and headed out the same window kiril came from; only to be stopped as a wandering german soldier flew around and pointed his mp40 at them.
One Wrong Turn
Tears began streaming down the german shepherd's face, the searing pain and tar seeping through his jeans.