Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Chapter 6

"i started looking into the development of ghouls -how they're able to heal themselves through radiation- and came across the ghouls in whitetail prison.

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Demon Wolf and Demon Boy

From goblins, ghosts and ghouls, to nameless things from pitch-black pools, all came forth to witch and scare. but all stopped to see the wolf were and the fierce devil's son, those two, demon wolf and son of none.

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 24

He's a ghoul!" "exactly." "erm, what's a ghoul?" asks wyrmripper. "someone who drinks the blood from a vampire. they gain several advantages like living as long as they have a fresh supply." i answer. "creepy.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 3.1 Bannihar

The wolf caressed the back of his head, pulling it closer as their noses touched, and she licked her muzzle expectantly "ghouls!" sebastian screeched from above, startling all three, "lord raes' party found ghouls!"

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Excerpt 19- Zombies Not To Scale

I placed the reticle on the head of the closest ghoul and began pulling the trigger as fast as i could, and so did the others.

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Bloodbound: Chapter 3

**Bloodbound: Chapter 3** _This is a work of fiction involving lingering hypnosis between a vampire and a human with some elements of dubious consent. If this bothers you, please do not read further._ _This chapter contains less sex than the others,...

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Six I stared at Tyler in shock. "You- you're coming with me?" I asked when I finally found my voice. Tyler shrugged. "Too dangerous to go alone," was his only explanation. "O... kay," I said, and sidestepped out the door so I...

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Two From where the Swag Pag lived, the shopping mall should have been a twenty minute drive away. When D.K. swerved into a parking spot less than five minutes after we'd left the house, I reached past Kimberly to open the door and...

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Slag ND7 : Zombie Bite

He said looking at the ghoul hanging onto his arm with just its mouth.

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Britania's Ordeal

Her magic had come in handy, dispatching the shambling ghouls who's rotting flesh, suffused with dark energies, turned away the black steel of her dark spear. the spirits and skeletons fell to her lance readily, but not the ghouls.

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God of Hunger chapter 12-18

In modern mythology, the traditional ghoul is now a half-bred zombie. a figure from haitian folklore, ghouls and ghoulah are the reasoning behind burying the dead.

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Meeting The "Family"

He was too distracted with looking behind himself that he didn't notice and ran into another ghoul, whose head was immediately sent flying behind chalenor and down the corridor.

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