KoB - Kiss of Blood - Chapter 4
4. xxxx I woke up late, 8am. He was still in bed. I was feeling drained so I made a quick breakfast and I set up some tea for the both of us. I'll wake him soon, so I can keep an eye on him. Before the kettle started whistling, I had dragged him out...
KoB - Kiss of Blood - Chapter 3
3. xxx "Come on Nick, hurry or we'll be late!" I grabbed my ID, keys and some money before we went to the club. It was the one at the beach, we've been there before, so all should be fine. The only thing I'm worrying about now is seeing people I know...
KoB - Kiss of Blood - Chapter 2
2. xx I woke up to the gap in my drapes being filled by sunlight, again directly in my eyes. Damn shirts. I grabbed my clothes and moved onto the floor. Cold laminate, just what you need in a hot summer. My feet were happy and I felt I finally got...
KoB - Kiss of Blood - Chapter 1
1. x The light of the moon shone in my eyes. My room was dark, and the only gap in my drapes directed its light at me. I can't sleep like this. I got up grumpily and shoved my shirt into the hole. That fixed it. I rubbed my eyes as I couldn't see...
Werewulf First Kiss Scene/ Musicallyinsane
He was kissing duke, or duke was kissing him or...something like that. but that fact of the matter was, he was kissing a boy. when he kissed alice stone it felt great. he had a warm feeling run down into his stomach that made him feel good on the inside.
A Transgender Kiss - Chapter 2 Healing
Kyle helped them find the pathfinder and drake helped rory into the passenger seat and rory kissed him. drake kissed him back and closed the passenger door.
Kinktober Day 8: Deep Kissing
All characters within belong to me **day 8: deep kissing** i groaned into the kiss as i wrapped my arms around the black bear, using my foot to kick the door to our dorm closed behind us. we stumbled backwards until he bumped into a wall.
Kinktober Day 5: First Kiss
It was every drug imaginable in that moment, in that first kiss.
Hypnovember 2022 #10 - The Beast's Kiss
Liekos moaned into leem's mouth as they kissed passionately, his hand stroking his member with desperate speed. leem pulled away from the kiss, and liekos licked at the air, trying to get more of that warm taste and texture.
Adam and Steve: The Long Kiss Goodbye
kissed him on the cheek out of worry? would roy be suspicious of how much closer he and adam were than what society deemed normal?
COM: Ada's Kiss (Inflation/Popping)
She gave the bird a kiss right on the beak with her snout! immediately, the goldfinch began to blush profusely at the spontaneous display of affection from this stranger.
Kobold Kissing Lessons: A Change in Leadership
#9 of kobold kissing lessons sorry for the delay! real life got in the way for a bit.