Chapter VIII: Opportunity
The fuchs family crest, a stoat of course, was emblazoned onto their uniforms. before each one, he saw the tall ermine with a well-groomed mustache and a face which looked like it had never once smiled.
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 1, Part 1, "I'll End Them Myself If I Have To"
The mexican stoat from before is shown shaking his head at the hog badger's statement of intent. "someone seems to be cringing, z," ludwig points at the stoat with a subtle smirk, clearly amused by his reaction. "what you got to say, mexico?"
Bigger Than He Bargained For: 04
The young stoat seemed to fuss over this detail, but terry couldn't have cared less.
Tropical Revised - Chapter Nine
In the middle of the room was the ermine himself, sitting behind a large desk gazing at a computer screen. "good morning rye, good morning cloud," greeted the ermine as he stood up. unexpectedly he hugged the white otter briefly.
Kobold Kissing Lessons: A Change in Leadership
The ermine walked towards the door but stopped in the entry. "i really appreciate this by the way," he said softly, "your loyalty to him. it warms my heart, gives me faith in love." harmond smiled as the ermine walked away.
Short Fuse
Story summary: a stoat tries to go clothes shopping, but gets rather distracted by some texts he receives. word count: 2726 here's a short little story i did just for fun, featuring my stoat barley, and his partner, bluebunboi's heiron!
Meerdebt (2020)
The sound of the barn opened as a large black horse was led in by a stoat, the large lion could be seen outside.
A grey dawn breaking
The ermine was indeed waiting for him, her legs crossed as she sat on the bed, reading. she glanced up when he entered, and then smiled. "hi..."
The Life and Death of August Corcoran
He owed it to the ermine.
Prologue 1/3 BIG BAR (Concession Stands)
The ermine gives up easily and goes off to dance with her friends, leaving the fox alone at the bar.
What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 4
Knowing he needed to get back to his post soon, the stoat figured it was better to go now instead of holding it all in. so the muscular stoat lowered his trousers slightly and sighed as he began to urinate on the tree.
A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (17)
Down the road, you see what the ermine refers to. the deer wasn't kidding about it being on the opposite side of town. "you thinking about applying?" the ermine asks eagerly.