2020-05-23 Comfort Companion

The renamon stared down at her new pet, a limbless torso, blind and deaf, completely useless for anything except entertainment and comfort.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 42

Well, the freak was constantly building ridiculous contraptions, so it was only a matter of time before one of them turned out to be not quite as useless as the others, but that still didn't help him.

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Burdens - Chapter 126: Waiting

I'm pretty much useless lying in bed all day, and i don't want to, you know, keep being useless. i don't want to keep depending on others." roger furrowed his brows and stared at his sheets.

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Homeless Fox

My gun which is now useless sits next to me. can't figure out how to reload. looked so easy in video games. well good luck on all your future adventures reader. i get the feeling i'm about to d

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Breaktime Shorts 1 and 2

"useless fucking cunt." author: tobias foxx title: breaktime shorts 2 part: bts 02 summary: a timed writing exercise 'money shot' quickie.

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Service In Steel

Her body shook, but her best efforts to persuade her hands to cease their movements were useless; the demon's collar had made of her a puppet! "i suppose you didn't notice that the spell lacked any element of control, did you?

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Relaxation: Chapter 3

The rest he discarded; the parts were either destroyed or just useless. now ready to have his way with his fox toy, the wolf grabbed the vulpine's neck and dragged him off to the bedroom.

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Death of a Hero

useless information, personal information; what's the difference? i am going to die; at least i'll be more than just a gravestone to someone. sometimes i think the useless facts are more important than personal stories.

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The hunt

The delighted shudder of prey giving itself to him as he feels his head twist uselessly under the water, finally stilling as his body gives out.

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The normal robots were next to useless on the battlefield, requiring constant supervision by their commanders. their communications could easily be jammed, rendering them useless. or they could be hacked, turning them against their masters.

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Rangertale, Ch.3: The Castle Marenoc

The maps were useless now, they had only shown castle marenoc, so it was time to head into civilization, to the nation-states of the mountains that hoarded and fought over this black steel.

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Bleade's Revenge

Four years of yelling, screaming, and being told how useless he was, even though bleade had actually improved nearly every system the company used and increased profits by about 35 percent.

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