Kyle and John, part 2.

The monster sailed through space, through the solar system. The monster was a spherical stellar mass to small to be an ignited star like Sirius or Sol. It's atmosphere was dark purple with brick red bands of clouds flying over its surface. The monster...

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This Valentine

| | | **THIS VALENTINE** | | Author: Dcatkuro Character: Kul The Riolu \<Lucario\> Dan the Charmeleon \<Charizard\> **THIS VALENTINE** It have been three year. Ya three year! After high school, he went with his family to Flamen City and...

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The GreenMount Chronicles Interlude: Wrestlers III

The GreenMount Chronicles, Interlude (Between 10 and 11) "Wrestlers, III" Dark. Nighttime. When the lights are off, all the light from a TV looks blue on the walls, and as it flickers the shadows change. Two massive bodies sat side-by-side in...

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3, Moving Forward

He hoped diesel didn't expect it to be exactly like old days, as a teacher and school bus driver, he couldn't afford to get wasted on a school night or paint "666" on a local church building.

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Tira Bright and Friends: School Life

Birthday Growth Spurt Surprise Part 1 Somewhere inside the kitchen area, Tira, and her adopted sister Pen-Bum Bright were both sitting down at the kitchen table, having some homemade stir fry fish, and big bowl of rice. While both of them...

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Hyoko's New Problem - Ch 2

As other students flooded out of classrooms, Hyoko didn't have time to try cleaning up the stall only to get caught at the scene. She slipped out the stall door, quickly rinsed the cum off her footpaws in the sink, took a couple dozen towels to wipe...

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Hyoko's New Problem - Ch 1

Hyoko was the kind of person who sat up in bed. A morning person, odd for a cat. She did so this morning, gracefully stretching and yawning a cattish yawn and soaking in the bright sunlight filtering through her window like beams of pure warmth. As her...

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Teenage curiosity.

\*_this is a story regarding high school age male furries. If you do not like this, please do not read any further.\*_ My name is Adam. I am a fox with an average build and an 8" cock. yes, even at this ripe age of 15. I have thick dark brown hair and...

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Venturing: A Talent and Colors

Venturing: A Talent and Colors The meeting had come to a close and with it, we decided to walk outside of the large room behind us. So Yang motioned all four of us as her eyes darted to everyone that she had recognized. We nodded in response, Kyro...

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Venturing: Biting Tail

Venturing: Biting Tail As the leaves turned from green to brownish and yellowish, we stopped and our faces turned towards the doors of our old school. It had been twenty years since elementary that we had entered in. And I was certain that all of...

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Venturing: Bronx Beat

Venturing: Bronx Beat Early dawn had arrived for us as we had entered onto the crime zone before us. Surrounded by yellow light tape that I had perhaps presumed either Natty or Yang had started using it before they were blinded by the light. I gave...

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Unexpected Life Changes

Hey everyone, sorry that this, chapter, being the introduction that it is, is very short and rather bland, they are things that I have never excelled with, but I hope that you can enjoy what little that is there and please leave a comment on your...

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