Fairy Tail
The very small creature inside his ear and deep in his brain was a wonderful friend who explained what he must say in order for his love not to worry. the kingdom of bliss? asked the mouse.
Maid to be a Sergal Toy
**Maid to be a Sergal Toy** Brandon is a simple brown skinned, black hair, brown eyed human. He goes to work, comes home, hangs out with friends, but at home his adult interests come to light. The back of his closet is filled with...
Planeshift By: Lapsa Warning: Dumbification A piercing light shone through the dark room as a door to the astral realm was ripped open - what was once a small rift between worlds now wide enough for the cloaked figure to enter - his dull...
A Present
Ky Walker strolled down the hallway to his dorm, with not a care in the world. He was set! He had his life in order, he was breezing through college, had amazing friends, amazing grades, an amazing family- everything a fox could ever want. He even had...
The Mascot Factory: Part 2
Effectively, to use a crude phrase, you'll be cumming your brains out. have fun!"
The Center chap 5...
The Center chap 5... Toby smiled happily at the young Hyena, who returned a flat toothed his smile of his own. The Yena was a first time low level offender, but Toby and Lance had made sure the other predator would never offend again. They had gotten...
Criminal Rehabilitation
The program was ready to complete the final phase and leave permanent changes to the prisoner's brain. he would become another puppet controlled by the hand stuck up his backside.
Thanksgiving Twist
"i don't even care if you pass out bitch, not like you are going to be using that brain of yours for anything other than breeding in turkeys from now on."
Welcome to the Jungle... Nursery Part 2: Marcus
The idea crawled into my brain one day, inspired by a roleplay i had with someone, and wouldn't leave my skull until i committed it to digital paper.please note that the following piece of creative fiction is rated ns-ndb: not suitable for non-diaper-butts
History Lesson - Dee's Breeding Life
"they got great brains and keep our people safe. but they lack the drive to take our better breeders. why don't you do us all a service and give him a place to send his bloodline down the line, hm?" "what about kurkledurk?"
Government Oversight/reach
You want to spend all night sucking and fucking in your brain?" jaime felt his heart thudding in his chest, that offer sounded like heaven. "oh, wow! yesss, pleasse!" he lisped in delight, thinking it would be so much fun.
Sea-Kitten [Patron Reward]
With it came a syrupy pleasure in his brain, a pleasant drunkenness that slowed his thoughts to a crawl. he couldn't help but smile and sway. "h-hey..."