Bath house conquests...
"but they can't buy their balls back... and they can't buy even one of these donkey pussies."
Infestation Stories - Fertile Fields
The towering feline walked up to the donkey and ran his paw right down the older fur's front, shredding his overalls open. he then pushed the donkey onto the ground before straddling his face.
Gotta Blow
His hands squeezed the donkey's neck hard, almost suffocating him. with panic in his eyes, donkey tried to pull away and escape, but all for naught. his assaulter was stronger, filled with dark desires.
The Best Kind of Bathing
donkeys are father and son but not really an incest story, just cute cubbie goodness, enjoy :d a short sigh echoed across the walls as a young donkey stripped down to his bare fur.
The Enchanted Talisman (story preview)
"i..." the donkey tried, but rigo placed his paw over jayden's muzzle.
Regrets on Being an Asshole
The donkeys in the stall had the same ears as him, only sat on donkey heads, and looked normal there, as much as hugh understood the world. but they did not belong to him or any human being.
The Last Dance
As the fabric came off, it exposed the donkey's cock head as it poked free from the snug, musky, equine sheath.
Proper Punishment
They stood beside one another, one donkey, one zebra, both girls but cleo carried a lovely locked up cock that april enjoyed often. of course, her enjoyment didn't mean her donkey could cum, and thus of course punishment was needed. a shame.
Walking Arcadia Trail
He gains more thrill for living as does any a donkey, from grazing and his new sensualities, there is a joy felt, found being a donkey to him it is something rather invigorating.
Xandy's Showtime
Her red panda lineage began to blend with that of donkey anthros, her fur becoming coarser and her ears longer. her tail transformed into a donkey's, complete with a tuft of coarse hair at the tip. a female donkey anthro? that sounded so... right.
Thine Eyes Have Seen the Wonder (Or: Squirrel With a View)
Soon enough, the beaver's loins came flush with hatton's ass, hot, thick donkey-cock pressing thick and steamy along his belly. he was fully inside of him. buck gave a short buck of his hips, earning a moan from the donkey beneath him.
Thine Eyes Have Seen the Wonder (Or: Squirrel With a View)
Soon enough, the beaver's loins came flush with hatton's ass, hot, thick donkey-cock pressing thick and steamy along his belly. he was fully inside of him. buck gave a short buck of his hips, earning a moan from the donkey beneath him.