Backstage with the Rock Queen

No drummer or bass player for him. he got to see the main guitarist and singer. the guard, a bull, held the door for him with a glance that said 'no funny business.'

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TS: Prologue

The rain came down heavily and rapidly, the drops hitting the nurse's umbrella like a thousand tiny drummers high on methamphetamines. flying was certainly out of the question. "help..." jackie stopped dead in her tracks.

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After We Finish The Show

Ari, the drummer, glowered at me (because she's a bitchy ice queen like that), mike just sighed and picked up his electric guitar, but bruce gave me a sly wink. i felt something stir in my trousers. 'are we all ready?' ari said, her frown deepening.

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The Singer 1

Her soft sung voice sang out as a bobcat suddenly started to strum his gaiter, with the electric drummer, who was now see able as a female lion, started to pound a strong hard beat "never!(thump)you cant find me!

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What Have I Done

Hunter and ember belt out the notes in the small guitar solo they both enjoyed, and momentarily strode to the forefront, giving spyro a moment to go back, catch what little breath he could and give a quick wink to his drummer, inform her she was doing fine

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To save a life: Chapter 1

"i'm mitch" the tiger said "i do death metal vocals, and i like the heavier stuff"   "i'm dave" the panther said "i'm a drummer.

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Dead Reign: Bipolar (Part 1)

It was as if there was an over-caffeinated drummer playing a drum solo on my rib cage. eventually, i began backpedalling, purely based off instinct.

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A Good Deep Throat

The band finished playing 'insurrection,' one of their hits, and as the drummer started the familiar opening beats of 'anatoly,' a bellow of enthusiasm was conspicuous among the cheering of the audience--it came from a hefty red panda in the middle of a gang

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Twelve Days

With his head bent down, his shuddering vision revealed the next drummer climbing up: a bear, his massive figure strung with muscles and then layered with fat.

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The Fan - Part One

I also heard that their drummer has even more piercings than lexa." elise started to say something but luna was quick to jump at an opportunity to poke fun at her friend. "hah, that's hard to believe!

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Secrets of the Ankh (Housepets! fanfiction)

"traditionally, a group of drummers would provide the music, but since we have no drummers or drums, i will play a short audio recording of a performance.

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KAVUA Chapter 2 - Finding Home

The ocean slammed against the rocks and cliffs to the beat the drummers were making. everyone was in tune with everyone and everything around them. they were one. that is when siara came to her final realization. she was in paradise. she was home.

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