Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 3

The situation was truly hopeless, despair encircled their beings as death was approaching. suddenly the clouds above started to break apart revealing a full moon.

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Hungry Kitchen

Axel sighed hopelessly. **"give me a break... when did they leave?"** he asked. nightfyre turned a page. **"five hours ago."** he replied simply. **"what!?"

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A New Beginning...?

One paw clenched tightly around the knot, the other hopelessly by his side, unable to do more than quiver.

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Speech 3. Perfection.

You could just call perfection a dead end; a condition of hopelessness.

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Accursed Dragon: Guardians of the Four Seasons(TEASER)

hopelessness around. liberated by the hand of time he shall.... a pair of green scaled hands grabbed a pair of green vine boomerangs and gave them an spin.

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I will never bend

Even if i'm surrounded by hopelessness and despair i will never give up my place in this societal warfare who are they to judge me for whom i kiss i guess for them ignorance is really bliss.


The Darkness

You stand there wondering how you will escape this seemingly hopeless world; this...horrible, horrible place with which you find yourself trapped in. then....you see a light. a light at the end of the tunnel, if you will.

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Rust River Valley Rail Crossing Three, Pop. 527

From this hopeless collection of rust. this town takes its tolls, this place breaks our souls, in return for a handful of dust. oh they say you are taking the sunshine if that's true, take as much as you may. take the wind. take the rain.

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FUR-POWER (short preview)

#1 of myself how life on the streets can feel so hopeless but it finds away around its turns at the time i truly thought i was all alone, after mom died and dad left us i only had my brother with me, now i'm the oldest but still i'm not ready to watch

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People need to learn to deal with pain, failure, and the feeling of absolute hopelessness. it's all just in the mind. i know i am destined for greatness because sally made me want to die. isn't that nice?



That isn't sharp i feel so useless and helpless as days go by and all i can feel is that i am about to die about to cry because i am tasting my favorite flavored cyanide and then i remember who i met after december and life no longer seems so hopeless

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